Chapter 40

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I put the small pointy hat on my head, not believing that my time at Hogwarts was actually coming to an end.
It seemed like only yesterday when I'd first set foot into this magical castle.
This was the end of an era, and I'd really really miss it. Who knew what the future held, right?

I was quiet when Aleya, Lina and Valerie happily lead the way to the Great Hall, ready to get their NEWT certificates.

It had been a rough few months, and where I was happy that all the studying had finally come to an end, I was sad because this would be my second last evening at Hogwarts.

The end of term feast would be tomorrow, and we'd be on our last ever train ride on the Hogwarts Express the day after. Really, where had the time gone?

"You okay, Freya?" Aleya let herself fall back so that she was walking next to me. "You're so quiet."

I gave her a nervous grin as reply. They were all excited for their time after Hogwarts, so I was a little ashamed because they wouldn't understand why I was being sentimental. "Just nervous for my results, you know?"

Aleya took a deep breath. "Oh yeah. Me too."

And we fell into silence again, before we reached the Great Hall, where a lot of seventh years were already sitting at their house tables, chattering happily.

I avoided looking at the Gryffindor table and quickly followed my friends to the other Ravenclaws.

I sat there quietly with my cheek propped on my fist, listening to the others ranting, before Professor Dumbledore stood up and went to his little podium.

The hall fell silent.
"Hello seventh years of Hogwarts! The time has come. After seven years at this school, you're free to go and fulfill your childhood dreams. Whether you want to become a Wandmaker, tame Dragons, work for the Ministry or fight against Dark Wizards or Witches, I wish you all the very very best."
He clapped his hands together. "Now, we all know why you're here and I don't want to keep you waiting for too long. The house teachers will call your names and give each one of you your certificates. After that, your Head Boy and Girl will hold a little speech before you're free to go - until it's time for dinner, of course. Now, Professor Slughorn, if you will?"

I sighed when Professor Slughorn stood up from the teacher's table and went to stand next to our headmaster.

The house teacher of Slytherin had a stack of parchment in his hands and began to call out names after names. Every student went forward, got their certificate and shook hands with Professor Slughorn and Professor Dumbledore.
The only time when things were changed up a little bit was when Professor Slughorn added who from  house Slytherin had the best NEWTs. (A boy called Damian Selwyn.)

It was really boring, to be honest.

Lucky for us, Ravenclaw was the next house, and I felt my heart rate speed up, all because of my nerves. I had studied more than ever in my life, just because I had wanted to keep myself busy, but I was still a little scared that my NEWTs wouldn't be as good as I'd anticipated.
I knew that I shouldn't, but seeing as school was the only thing I was really exceptionally good at, I identified with my grades and felt as if I always needed academic success and evaluation (and I hated myself for that). I always wanted myself to be one of the best, and I knew that I would be terribly disappointed and angry at myself if my results weren't very good. That was basically my toxic trait, always wanting to be the best.

My foot bobbed up and down, just because I had to wait so long. Aleya was the first one of our friend group to receive her certificate, and my friends made sure to cheer her on as loud as they could. When she sat back down, Valerie and Lina across from us immediately bent over to see her grades.
"Very good, Aleya!" Lina cheered and patted her shoulder, and Valerie agreed. Then I peeked over Aleya's shoulder, too. One 'Acceptable', three 'Exceeds Expectations' and the rest all 'Outstandings'.
Those weren't the scores I was hoping for myself, but I knew that Aleya could be very proud of herself, so I congratulated her as well before all of us directed our attention back to Professor Flitwick.

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