Chapter 19

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The train ride was a lot of fun, but I could still catch myself staring out of the window in anticipation now and then, trying to see if I recognised the landscape.
Once I did, I stood up, making Peter and Remus look at me.

"We'll be in King's Cross soon," I explained cheerily, almost bouncing in anticipation. "I always like to get out of the compartment early, so that it won't be so crowded when I get out with the rest."

"We'll join you," Peter said and gave Remus opposite him a questioning look. "Right?"

Remus shrugged, pocketing his latest chocolate bar. "Sure, why not?"

The lads were so nice to take care of the suitcases, despite my protests that women and girls could also deal with weight- they said that they didn't doubt that, but they wanted to be gentlemen.

When we came to a halt in front of the wagon's door, I spoke up again. "I'll be completely honest with you. When these doors open, I'll run and you won't see me until after the holidays, so let's say our goodbyes now, okay?"
Because I really couldn't wait any longer to finally hug my mum and sister again.

"Uhm," Peter and Remus exchanged confused looks. "Okay?"

"Okay," I repeated, beaming. "Again, thanks for letting me sit with you. It was a lot of fun."

"Thanks for sitting with us," Remus grinned. "The pleasure was ours."

"Exactly, we have to do that again one time, preferably with James and Sirius," Peter said enthusiastically.

And even the mention of his name alone gave me butterflies, Merlin. I hoped I didn't blush. "Okay," I said.

"Great," Remus bent forward and hugged me. "Have great holidays, Freya."

"You too," I smiled into the hug. He smelled like chocolate- no wonder, after all the chocolate he'd consumed on this train ride alone. It was a miracle that the boy wasn't as round as a Quaffle.

Because I felt so comfortable around the boys now, I even gave Peter a quick hug, too. "Bye, Peter. Have amazing holidays, too."

"I will," he beamed. "Oh, look, we're actually already there."

I followed his eyes, just in time to see the green grass be replaced by King's Cross Station's red bricks.

My grin widened and I turned to the boys again as the train got slower. "Bye you two."

"Bye," they said in unison, and the train came to a halt.

I hadn't lied when I announced that I'd run immediately. Because that was exactly what I did.
I hurried towards the place where Mum usually stood, struggling a bit to run fast with the heavy trunk behind me.
I almost cried out of sheer happiness when I spotted her short and fair brown curls. "Mum!"

With a two metre distance, I let go of my trunk and ran into her outstretched arms. "I missed you so so so much!"

"I missed you, too, sweetie," She chuckled in my ear. "Very much."

She let go of me and held me away on a shoulder length. "Have you grown?"

"No," I immediately answered, still grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I'm not growing anymore, I've already been taller than you last Christmas."

Mum smiled. "I remember it now." She hugged me again, letting out a content sigh. "It's been too long."

"I love you," I murmured and kissed her cheek.
"I love you, too, Sweetie." She let go of me and went to pick up my trunk from the floor. "Any special news?"

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now