Chapter 10

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"What do you mean, 'you messed up'?"

Sirius sighed and gestured me to follow him as he began strolling through the corridors. "My prank went too far... I was talking very loud on purpose, because I knew that Snape was eavesdropping. I wanted him to stop spying on us, so when I talked to James, I dropped some hints and basically told Snape to go to into a passageway under the Whomping Willow, if he wants to know a huge secret."

I think I knew where this was going.

Sirius continued. "Snape is ambitious and really wants to ruin us, so of course he tried it, even though noone can get past the Whomping Willow, you know that. He nearly got himself killed by that tree, before James pulled him away."

"Oh Merlin...," I didn't know what else to say.
I could definitely understand why the others were so mad. Sirius could've gotten expelled and Severus Snape could've died! I didn't like the way he treated muggleborns, but he still didn't deserve the treatment the marauders had given him ever since the beginning of school. I liked the way the marauders pranked, but not the way they sometimes bullied others, especially Slytherins. Luckily, their bullying had subsided after the end of our fifth year, after James and Lily Evans had had a very public argument after Sirius and James had bullied Severus Snape once again.

I really wasn't happy to hear that Snape had been targeted again, let alone how dangerous and reckless Sirius' prank had been!
Though Sirius seemed guilt-ridden enough already, so I didn't want to scold him, too. He probably just needed someone to talk to, someone who wouldn't judge. I supposed that he had gotten enough scolding from his friends already.

"Yeah," Sirius sighed. He ruffled his wavey black hair. "I mean, I wanted to teach him a lesson, he deserved that, but I didn't think that he would go that far! I didn't want him to get himself killed. I thought he'd give up once he realised that it was too dangerous! So it's not really my fault, is it? James is overreacting, right?"

I flinched. I was scared that Sirius would be angry with me when I told him the truth... But I didn't want to lie to him. "I don't know, Sirius," I said quietly. "You shouldn't have done that to begin with. I know that you don't like Severus Snape, but what you're doing is bullying, and that has to stop. At the same time, I understand why it pissed you off that he had been spying on you. He's really not an angel either and treats you four badly, too. Still, your action has really put him in danger, and you shouldn't have done that. That was reckless and pretty stupid, if I'm completely honest."

I anxiously waited for his reply, scared to have made him angry. Sirius took his time and answered after a few long seconds.
"I know that I went too far. I've apologised a million times already! If I could take it back, I would. But I don't get why James, Remus and Peter won't accept my apology! It's not like they like Snivellus."

"Sirius," I said in a warning tone. So much about bullying.

"Snape," He corrected himself.

Then I thought about his words. It was obvious that Sirius felt guilty, and it hadn't been his fault that Snape wouldn't give up. So why didn't James, Peter and Remus accept the apology? Was there more to the story than what Sirius led on?

"I think they just need some time to process what happened," I finally said. I was pretty idea-less about their situation, since I'd only heard Sirius' story and hadn't talked to the others. Also, I still had other questions messing with my brain. Like the one that slipped out of my mouth. "But why did you come to me?"

Sirius finally turned his head to meet my eyes. He looked confused.
"You're my friend, duh?"

My heart fluttered. I suppressed a grin. So he didn't just pretend to like me! I was so happy to actually hear him say that he considered me a friend, too. I could feel my pulse in my throat, and I probably blushed as well.
"Ehr, I know that," I tried to brush it off. "But you have more friends than just the boys and me. What about Marlene? Dorcas, Alice, or even Lily?"

Sirius raised an eyebrow, a small amused smile on his lips. "Do you really think that Lily Evans would exchange a word with me?"

I blushed even more. That had been a stupid thing to say, I realised that now. "Oh, yeah, nevermind."

Sirius let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah. And Alice, Dorcas and Marlene are all Gryffindors. They've gotten wind of our argument and I didn't want to risk them shouting at me before I could explain. Besides, they are in the common room, and James, Remus and Peter are there, too. I couldn't stand them glaring daggers at me... "

I sighed, feeling sorry for him. "I get that." Probably more than he thought I did.

In fact, I'd already befriended Valerie on the Hogwarts Express when we had first traveled to Hogwarts. Throughout the whole first year, we had been unseperable. That was, until by the end of the term, Valerie had suddenly sat away from me, sitting next to Aleya or Lina. I didn't know why, but she had also stopped talking to me. On our train ride back home, she had confronted me, saying that I had talked badly about her behind her back and that she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I had wanted to know what she was talking about, claiming that I had never said that kind of stuff, but she wouldn't hear it.

I didn't get it. I had been devastated, fled to my big sister and cried my eyes out. I had felt horrible throughout the whole summer holidays, dreading the start of the next year, where I'd have to see Valerie again. When the second year had started, I had felt super lonely. The only person in our common room who I'd been able to talk to had been Francisca. Similar to Sirius' problem now, Valerie had kept glaring daggers at me, and I hadn't been able to escape, since we shared a dormitory.

I still didn't know what had gotten into her all those years ago. All I knew was that by the end of our second year, Valerie had started to talk to me again. I had always stayed kind with her throughout our second year, and eventually, she had returned the gesture.
We had been on friendly terms in our third year, and when the fourth year had come around, it was almost as if this weird fight had never happened.

But it had happened, and it was the reason why Valerie and I had never been as close as how we had been in our first year ever again. I had always wanted to be, since I had never understood our argument anyways, but the damage had been done.

I couldn't complain, though, because we had managed to become great friends again. We helped each other with homework, we gossiped, did girl stuff together. Only now, she was closer with Aleya and Lina than she had been before everything.

So, back to Sirius, I knew how he wasn't feeling comfortable in his common room. I could really relate, even if he didn't know.
But I didn't really worry about him- the marauders were incredibly close. Eventually, they would always forgive one another. Six years of very close friendship; six years of brotherhood couldn't be forgotten because of a simple argument.

"They'll come around, don't worry," I patted his shoulder.

Sirius smiled at me with a thankful expression. "But until then I can stay with you?"

I laughed. "If you really want to, of course."

His smile widened. "Thank you, Freya. For listening, for being honest and for not being mad, too."

"Of course," I repeated. "I'll always listen to you. You did the same for me too, after all."
With that, I remembered the previous incident and the letter in my pocket. Aaaaannd the lump in my throat returned, great.

I cleared my throat. "Now, I still have to go to the owlery. Would you mind accompanying me? And what do you say about a little Quidditch after my letter is sent?"

Sirius' eyes began to sparkle. "I'd love to."

Is Freya's character okay, like, understandable and not too annoying? How she feels insecure and everything?
What do you think of her?
Because writing an OC is more difficult than one might think😅🙈

Thanks for reading!

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