Chapter 54

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For the first time ever, I was standing in front Sirius' apartment without the intention of seeing him.
I had already seen him yesterday, when Marlene and I had checked up on him.
I didn't even know if he was there today. Because for the first time, I was here just to see Marlene.
To have a girls night. Like real friends.

I found myself bobbing up and down giddily with an excited buzz filling up every part of me when Marlene opened the door and greeted me with a little hug.
"Hi Frey! Come in!"

After I greeted her back, I did just that and left my purse in the hallway, following Marlene to her and Sirius' shared bedroom.

I felt weird standing in that room. I'd never been in here before, and honestly, it hadn't been on my bucket list.
Still, it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. The bed was made and there were only a few of Sirius' clothes on a chair next to the bed. No clues for... Stuff they did that I didn't want to know about.

There were many pictures standing on the shelves, I noticed. Of Alice, Lily, Dorcas and Marlene, and of the marauders.
I couldn't help but smile when my eyes fell onto a picture that showed me and Marlene.
Sirius had taken it one time after our training had ended. Marlene had her elbow propped on my shoulder (since she was one head taller than me) and looked really happy.

"That's a great photo, isn't it?" Marlene spoke up behind me, following my gaze. "I love it. It was the start of our friendship."
She nudged my shoulder.

My heart fluttered. Marlene was such a nice and pure soul, and somehow she'd decided to befriend me. While it hurt at first, now it was one of the best feelings ever. I felt so grateful for her.
"Yeah." I smiled.

"We should take more pictures together, though," Marlene frowned. "That's the only one I've got of us. It can't stay that way, can it?"

My smile couldn't get any wider, even though I usually hated being on photographs. "Sure, if you want to."

"Of course!" She turned around and opened her cupboard behind us.
"Now, what've we got?" Marlene whistled happily, occasionally looking back and forth between me and the clothes in her cupboard.

"It's summer, but I think it might get chilly in the evening, so let's take a thin jacket with us... And it's a muggle concert, so wizarding clothes are a no as well."

In this moment, I realised that I didn't even know what concert we were going to visit. "Who are we watching anyway?"

"Uhmm... Some muggle artist? I can't remember his name, because I didn't buy the tickets."


"Yeah," Marlene's grinning head appeared from behind the cupboard's door. "I won them on some radio competition. Those people were really fascinated by my magic tricks."
She wiggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but burst into giggles.

"So you just signed up to brag? You didn't even care about the tickets!?"

"I mean, I did want to go to a concert," Marlene defended herself. "I just didn't care of whom, and I didn't really feel like paying, so I signed up on this competition."

I shook my head amusedly, coming to join her in front of the cupboard. "Only you."

"Yeah, I mean, I gotta make the best out of life, right? Nobody knows how long it'll be." She gasped. "I got the perfect dress!"

I followed her movements when she took out a short and golden, glittering party dress.
"For me or for you?" I wanted her to clarify.
"You, of course!"

I tried to not let my distaste for the dress show.
"Um, I think I'll pass that one. I don't  really like short dresses or V-lines. In case you haven't noticed, my boobs are almost non existent. They can't fill a dress like that!"

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