Chapter 2

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My eyes widened in shock. "What!?"

The Head boy, Sebastian, nodded. "Yes, Freya. You understood correctly."

The Head girl nodded in agreement. "We've noticed that the houses don't really mix and, as Prefects are role models, we should set an example of overcoming house boundaries. Which is why all of you have gotten a new partner and a new corridor."

Why didn't it surprise me that they wanted to mix the students from different houses more.

Mary and Sebastian, the infamous Head boy and girl, a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin who became a couple.
If they weren't a demonstration of overcoming house stereotypes and boundaries, then who was?

Trying to make them change their minds was useless, we all knew that.

I threw a last suffering glance at Jacob, the other Ravenclaw sixth year Prefect and my partner, and joined Remus Lupin, while Lily Evans, his former partner, went away to join a Hufflepuff girl.

I gave Remus a weak smile. He did the same. Apparently, we both were quite uncomfortable with this new situation.

It was awkwardly quiet as we walked through the corridors assigned to us.
There were no first years who had gotten lost and there were no people that had snuck out, as far as the night had passed.

"You know I don't bite, right?" Remus finally broke the silence. He bit his lip, flinching a little. It almost seemed as if he regretted speaking up.
I blushed, but I knew that feeling, so I didn't want to leave him hanging. "Of course. Sorry."

"Isn't it weird that we've been Prefects together for two years, but never talked to each other?"He cleared his throat and stepped up his pace, probably unconciously. Considering that he was much taller than me (which wasn't difficult, but still), I was struggling to catch up.

A breathy laugh escaped my mouth and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Thinking of how talkative we've been these past minutes, that really is weird."

The Gryffindor smiled and slowed down again. Thank Merlin. He was probably unconsciously trying to walk his discomfort off.
I wondered if I did that too. Likely. Not that it bothered anyone; even some first years were already as tall as me. Although I wasn't even that  small. Everyone could keep up my pace, but still, I was wondering.

"Yeah, James and Sirius usually do the talking for me."
I didn't know what to reply, so I just nodded.
And then the silence was back.

While I was rapidly trying to think of a way to fill the silence, Remus stopped in his tracks. "Wait a second, please."

I did as told and stared at him questioningly. He didn't say anything else and gestured me to follow him a few steps back. When we reached a carpeted piece of wall, Remus stopped. To my surprise, he pulled the carpet aside. Using his whole body weight, he pushed his shoulder against the bare wall.

Why in the name of Merlin's boxershorts would he do that?
Just as I wanted to ask what on earth he was trying to achieve with abusing this random piece of wall, there was a quiet 'crack'. Where Remus stood, a square appeared, carved into the stone. The wall floated back a few centimetres and then to the right.

I could hear hushed voices and Remus, who was able to see the inside, rolled his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Moony!" One of the voices greeted nervously. "What are you doing here? This isn't the corridor you usually partol in!"

"Is Evans with you?" Another, hopeful sounding voice added.
Remus sighed frustratedly and touched the bridge of his nose. "I told you a million times already," he said as if scolding a small child, "that you shouldn't scheme in the halls after curfew! What's the harm in doing that in our dorm, where you don't do anything against the rules and where you have the same amount of privacy as here!"

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