Chapter 55: A Traitor

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We are getting close to the end of the story. I am so excited to have this book marked as complete soon.

I hope everyone enjoys the next chapter. Thank you and Happy Reading. 

The intense training, the long lectures and the vast tutorials kept Pyro, Troy, Arion, and Shark busy.

Shark wanted to pull out all the hairs on his head. He had information overload. He thought it would be fun learning how to use magic but he did not anticipate how much book work or in this case scroll and parchment work went into it all.

Troy on the other hand was absorbing all the knowledge he could possibly come across from the various literature he had access too.

Pyro was in the middle. He liked learning but at a moderate pace but since they were so behind, they had to play catch up at a pace Chi-taki would run at in his feline form. The training was desirable though even if Lady Heliocana was tough on him since their first encounter.

Arion just shook his head and nodded. They knew he was silently judging them. If he would not be reprimanded by Lord Valliaitous he would probably be telling them every now and then like Hyflame, he told them so.

Today, they were discussing some strategy for combing their abilities in the main corridor of the House of Wind when Valliantious walked down the spiralling staircase and ordered the four to follow him.

They wanted to ask what was going on, except the answer would have been, in due time.

They followed him down a long dark corridor with no windows and torches but a glowing white floor. They arrived at a tall door, which was made out of clouds with mist slithering off of it like a cold drink of iceade.

What was on the other side of it? Was he taking them to some secret grounds where he would teach them all he knew in combat?

That was a dream of Arion and Pyro's while Troy, hoped it would be to a library or as they say on Axial an Annals Chamber of never-ending secrets and knowledge so he can prevent the Third Great War and go home and enjoy the life he took greatly for granted.

"It is time for the four of you to be formally introduced to the Council of Hyods," said Valliantious.

Arion was excited; however, the other three were nervous. Pyro was the most nervous of them all, knowing Lady Heliocana made his time in her lectures difficult and Lord Ponthious, and Lord Hyperiown would recognize him as the one who disturbed their lectures and training.

The three had a chill run down their spine as if they had just swallowed ice in its natural form. Unlike Arion, this would be their first time meeting the highly powerful Hyods in one place.

Each had a terrible scenario flash in front of their eyes in which they embarrassed themselves or did or said something inappropriate hence being banished or worse.

Valliantious could see the angst on the three's face. "Do not be nervous. Just think of it as presenting yourself in front of a council of Valliantious'. Act how you would normally act."

Valliantious' advice did not do anything to dissipate the anxiousness they were feeling. He, the Lord of Wind was still an intimidating figure to them.

The door began to condensate and Valliantious headed straight through.

Pyro, Troy and Shark looked even more nervous than ever.

Arion said before entering, "The fate of two worlds is in our hands, not the Hyods so don't be uneasy." He was almost friendly until he said, "And don't embarrass us or this House."

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