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Hello fellow heroes and welcome to my Bakugo x Reader. Before you start reading, here're some . . . tips? introductions ?? explanations ???

Female reader! I understand that there might be other genders reading this and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but this story is with female pronouns.

Swearing! I swear a lot in real life and of course Bakugo's here, too, so there're swearing in this book. If you're not comfortable with it, then don't read it!

Comments! I love reading them, so feel free to leave any!

Typos/Mistakes! If you want to, do call me out if there're any misspellings or something you believe is not true according to the manga/anime and I haven't warned for in advance!

Plot! The story follows the original BNHA plot, along with some additions and alterations by me.

Includes OVAs and Movies! I'm writing both movies - Two Heroes and Heroes: Rising - and two of the OVAs in this book, so if you haven't seen those, beware of spoilers! Though I wouldn't advise skipping chapters, as they will be somehow relevant to the plot.

No smut/nsfw content! It could be hinted or mentioned, but it won't be explicitly written, sorry!

English! English isnt my native language, just wanted you to know.

Legend! Here's a key for the people who aren't familiar with the shortcuts:

Y/n - your name

L/n - last name

Y/n/n - your nickname

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color

f/c - favorite color

f/f - favorite food

Now I'll let you read the book! I hope you enjoy it!

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