39 | bakugo's room is very bakugo

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It was about half past eight by the time they finished touring everyone's rooms - or at least the ones who wanted to participate - and most people decided to stay back and hang out in the living room. Y/n, however, excused herself and made her back to the dormitories. She went to change into her pajamas before going to where Bakugo had told her his dormitory is and knocked on the door.

''Go the fuck away, I'm sleeping.'' Bakugo yelled from inside, causing Y/n to snort.

''If you were asleep, you wouldn't be answering.''

There was shuffling from inside the room and then the click of the lock before Bakugo threw the door open. ''Oh, it's you.'' His voice softened, but his eyebrows remained furrowed. Y/n noted he was wearing a black T-Shirt and a pair of shorts along with some slippers, and his bed was unmade. Maybe he really was trying to sleep. ''What do you want?''

''Just wanted to check on you,'' Y/n said and tried to peer inside the dark room. ''And I wanted to check out your setup.'' She knew Bakugo enough not to ask him why he didn't want to hang out with the rest of their classmates.

''Fine, come in.'' Bakugo opened the door wider and flicked the light switch.

His room was darker colored and rather basic - he had a bed, a desk and a few weights here and there, as well as an All Might poster hanging on the wall, which was probably the most colorful thing in his room. There was also a small TV along with his console and the two controllers Y/n remembered used to be in his room back home.

Bakugo stood behind her as she observed, hands in his pockets. ''Well?'' He asked after a minute of silence, getting impatient. He liked her, yes, but he also liked getting enough sleep. How was he supposed to be the number one hero if he didn't sleep enough?

She nodded as she turned back to him. ''It's nice. Monotone, but nice.''

Bakugo scoffed and plopped down on his bed. Y/n followed after but before she could sit down, Bakugo put a hand on her waist to stop her. Y/n rolled her eyes. ''I just put the pajamas on, I haven't sat anywhere with them. Promise.'' Bakugo nodded and took his hand away, letting the butterflies in Y/n's stomach to slowly disappear in disappointment.

The two fell into silence and Y/n but the inside of her cheek. She was worried about Bakugo, of course she was, but she didn't know how to bring it up. Now was the perfect time to ask him and there she was being-

''You have something on your mind.''


Bakugo sighed in exasperation. ''You're thinking about something. What is it? I doubt you only came here to check out my room decor.''

Y/n bit her bottom lip subtly before daring to speak. ''Are you 0kay?''

''I'm damn great.''

Placing her hand on his arm, she spoke again. ''I don't want to pressure you into talking, but if you need me, you know you can always talk to me, right?''

Bakugo stared at her, though his mind seemed to be elsewhere as his muscles tensed. He knew he could trust her. He'd tell her all his secrets if he had to, but he didn't want to burden her with this and he really didn't want to talk about Kamino Ward. It was no big deal, really and it was past him. Yeah, it was okay.

''I know.'' Bakugo nodded, finally properly looking at her. ''But there's nothing to talk about. Trust me, I'm fine.''

Y/n nodded and slowly wrapped her arms around him in a hug, trying to give him the option to back out if he so wished. He didn't. Instead, he returned the hug, letting his head fall on her shoulder. He breathed in her scent - lemons, surprisingly, and felt himself relax.

''I'm fine.'' He repeated close to her ear and felt her nod in his shoulder. Still, the two remained in that position for a bit, just enjoying each other's warmth. Loud voices were heard in the hallway, which caused Y/n to take a deep breath and finally pull away.

''I should probably go.'' Y/n stood up and ran a hang through her slightly messy hair. ''I'll see you in the-''

''Do you wanna play a round or two?'' Bakugo gestured towards his console, causing Y/n to smile. ''I don't feel like sleeping that much anyway.''

''Hm, sure.'' Y/n went over and grabbed the two controllers, handing Bakugo the orange controller before sitting back on his bed. ''Don't get too sad when I beat you up, though, Kacchan.''

''Never call me that again or I'll blast your ass into space.''

''Sorry, Kacchan.''

- - -

''Hey, Bakugo! Wake up, it's breakfast time!'' Kirishima received no response from the blond and furrowed his eyebrows.

''Kirishima!" He looked towards the elevator, seeing Mina running up to him. ''Have you seen Y/n? She wasn't at breakfast or in her room.''

''Huh? Maybe Bakugo knows, let me wake him up and ask.'' Kirishima twisted the doorknob to find the door unlocked. ''Bakugo-''

Mystery solved. Bakugo was laid on the ground, his head propped by a pillow as he slept with his mouth open. Y/n was laid on the foot of Bakugo's bed, wrapped in his duvet and her head almost hanging off the bed without a pillow.

''Oh my!'' Mina quickly took her phone out of her pants and snapped a quick picture. ''Aw, look at them.''

''So he's finally made a move?'' Kirishima thought out-loud.

Mina looked at him. ''You know about this?'' she whispered as she looked up at Kirishima.

''You know about this, too?''

The voices seemed to have stirred the two out of their sleep because Y/n groaned as she moved in the bed, resulting her in falling on the ground and hitting her side. ''SHIT!''

Mina and Kirishima looked at her on the ground, then at Bakugo stirring, then realized they'd practically barged into Bakugo's room. Seeing as they weren't keen of dying young, Kirishima quickly slammed the door behind them. ''Run, Mina, run!"

Bakugo rose his head as he opened his eyes, feeling his back aching from sleeping on the floor. His eyes landed on Y/n, who was clutching her side as she was tangled in his blanket on the ground.

''Was it just me or did you hear Shitty Hair and Racoon Eyes talking?''

''Just help me out, will you?''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now