53 | bakugo is actually a good photographer

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''Hey, isn't that Midoriya?''


Bakugo jumped at Midoriya in anger the moment he noticed him. Y/n stood in the back, eating the remaining of her ice-cream, patiently waiting for Bakugo to buy her another one.

''Stop it, Kacchan! People are watching—'' Midoriya pleaded, but Bakugo wasn't having any of it, snarling at him even more.

''SO WHAT?''

''Stop that, Bakugo!" Iida rushed in front of Midoriya, protecting him.

''Why's that boy angry?'' the blonde girl with glasses asked.

''Oh, he's always like that, don't mind him.'' Y/n turned to the girl, still holding onto her ice-cream as she extended a hand out. ''I'm Y/n, by the way. Another classmate of theirs. Nice to meet you!''

The girl, despite being weirded out, shook Y/n's hand with a smile. ''Melissa.''

''It's a fated battle between men!'' Uraraka tried to explain.

''More like a childish squabble,'' Y/n clarified. She looked down at her almost finished ice-cream. Bakugo needed to buy her a new one as soon as possible, she was getting warm in her costume.

''Y/n, did you, Bakugo and Kirishima get invited to the expo, too?'' Momo asked.

''Huh? Oh, no, it was just Bakugo because he won the sports festival. He invited us to come with him, so we obviously said yes,'' Y/n explained.

''Are you all going to try that now?'' Kirishima called from below, still in the arena.

''It's no use! Since I'll definitely be better than you!'' Bakugo proclaimed, still looking murderously at Midoriya.

''I literally beat him, he needs to get his ego checked,'' Y/n pointed out to the other girls, making them chuckle.

Despite everything, Midoriya ended up trying out the challenge. He finished in sixteen-seconds, getting in third place, right after Y/n and Bakugo. Y/n nudged Bakugo's shoulder after Midoriya's score was announced, but he was seething by then.

''—I didn't think I'd be able to get close to Kacchan's—''

''THE HELL? IMPOSSIBLE!'' Bakugo yelled once he heard Midoriya's words. ''I'LL GO AGAIN AND BLOW YOU AWAY!''

Just as he said that, Todoroki suddenly appeared on the arena, clearing the whole thing in fourteen seconds by covering everything in ice. Still, no one could really beat Y/n in a match of speed. ''Amateurs,'' she breathed out.

''HALF-AND-HALF BASTARD!'' Bakugo suddenly sprung up from the bleachers, making Y/n jump due to his explosions. He landed down next to Todoroki, yelling at him about suddenly appearing and making everyone think he's amazing, only to be ignored. The squabble continued with Midoriya, Iida and Kirishima jumping in to help.

Y/n, Momo, Uraraka and Jirou overlooked the thing from the bleachers, all four of them looking down in shame and embarrassment. Melissa, on the other hand, giggled. ''Oh, I'm sorry,'' she immediately apologized, but it was obvious the situation was still funny to her.

''DON'T EMBARRASS US ANY FURTHER!'' Iida yelled at Bakugo.

''I was just thinking you guys seem to have fun at U.A.'' Melissa pointed out.

Y/n looked up at the screens, watching as Kirishima restrained a furious Bakugo. She chuckled. ''I guess you could call it that.''

''It's never boring, at least,'' Uraraka added. That, Y/n could agree with.


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