6 | beware the power of the dark side or whatever

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The three teenagers ran inside the building they'd landed on, making their way down the stairs. They were unsteady and ready to collapse, much like the building itself.

''L/n, watch out!'' Kirishima warned, causing the girl to activate her Quirk and move out of the way quickly, turning around to see that a villain had almost attacked her. Kirishima, Bakugo and Y/n were surrounded, standing back to back and observing their enemies.

''Just give up and we won't hurt you, kiddos,'' one of the villains said.

''I wouldn't talk too big. You guys don't have time for that.'' Y/n smirked as she put on her round googles. Kirishima hardened himself and Bakugo laughed evily.

''This should be fun!'' Bakugo said and threw his first explosion.

Activating her Quirk once again, time practically stopped for her. She easily knocked out quite a few of the villains, pushing others out of nearby windows. It took her mere seconds before she stopped, observing the damage happen in normal time right in front of her eyes. It was fun to see.

''Is this all of them? They're so weak!'' Bakugo panted. The trio finished off the villains pretty quick, which didn't surprise Y/n in the slightest — Bakugo and Kirishima were incredibly strong, after all.

''All right. Let's hurry up and save the others,'' Kirishima said. ''If we're here, then everyone else should be inside USJ, too. I'm worried about the guys with less offensive ability. Besides, because we ran off ahead, we slowed Thirteen down. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that fog, then this wouldn't have happened!'' Kirishima turned to Bakugo. ''As men, we have to take responsibility for what we did!''

''If you want to go, then go by yourself,'' Bakugo said and looked away. ''I'm going to kill that warp gate.''

''What? You're going to act childish at a time like this?'' asked Kirishima. ''Besides, that guy's attack—''

''Shut up! That guy is their way in and out!'' Bakugo snapped. ''I'm gonna cut their getaway route for when the time comes! It's not like we have no way to fight the fog!'' A villain appeared right behind the explosive blond, though the thug was no match to the student, who'd caught him and blown him up without even looking back.

''That was impressive,'' Y/n commented.

''Anyway, if these small fries are assigned to us, pretty much everyone will be fine, right?'' Bakugo asked, lifting up the head of the guy, showing the burns on his face.

''You're right, they're just thugs,'' Y/n agreed with Bakugo. ''The real deal are the warp guy and that dude covered in hands.''

She turned to Kirishima. ''We gave to go and find the fog. Let's follow Bakugo.''

''Alright,'' the redhead nodded, then looked at Bakugo. ''Were you always so calm and rational? I thought you were more like 'DIE DIE DIE!'''

''I'm always calm and rational, you spiky haired punk!'' Bakugo yelled, causing the girl to laugh.

''Oh, yeah, that's more like it!'' Kirishima said.

''Guys, we're wasting time, let's go!''

It didn't take long for the three to arrive at the scene. Three people were there - the warp from before, a person who had hands grasping onto his body and a bird like creature with it's brain out in the open. Across from them stood none other than All Might himself. Bakugo wasted no time as he jumped into action, grabbing the warp gate and pinning it to the round, revealing a metal body previously hidden by the mist.

Kirishima attempted to attack the villain with hands, while Todoroki joined them and froze the creature that was holding onto All Might, both of them halfway through the warp gate. Y/n stood next to Bakugo, who was crouching down in order to keep the villain at bay, Kirishima, Todoroki and Midoriya on each of their sides.

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