19 | even though he told her not to text . . .

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Bakugo groaned as he looked in the mirror, his hair still laying flat on his head. Best Jeanist had combed it down and put gel in it, which irrated the blond to no end. He liked his hair as it is. He didn't need to be this proper. He'd taken a shower, thinking it might fix his hair. Apparently five times washing it with shampoo wasn't enough to bring back his spiky hair.

Giving up after half an hour, he plopped down on his bed and sighed, ready to relax from the tiring day. He's been at the angecy for two days and he's already done with the whole internship thing. He thought that coming to learn under the number four hero would be a good experience - God how wrong he was. He was regretting the decision with all his being right now. Maybe he should've accepted Mirko's offer and gone with L/n. At least his hair would be alright. And he wouldn't have to wear jeans instead of is hero costume's pants.

An annoyed groan left him when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He's had enough of this day already, he didn't want to talk with anyone. It would either be his parents or his dumbass friends - and he wasn't sure which one was more annoying.

It was the latter that texted - they were texting the group chat they'd created a few weeks ago, consisting for Kirishima, L/n, Sero, Ashido, Kaminari and himself, and they'd named it Bakusquad, much to his annoyance.

They were talking about what they'd done today and how their internships were going. Y/n had sent a picture of her and Mirko, the hero she was interning with, both of them in their hero costumes. His classmate looked so excited and happy in the picture. His stomach felt weird as the tiniest smile tugged on his lips.

What the fuck, Katsuki, what're you smiling about? Bakugo thought as the smile disappeared from his face. He decided to leave them on seen and simply mute the group, then put his phone on the bedside table.

Turning off the lights he went back to bed, laying under the covers on his back, his hands placed behind his head. Million thoughts raced through his head as he stared at nothing, though only one stuck.

Recently, L/n's presence hasn't been all that . . . annoying to Bakugo. Sure neither was Kirishima's, but with her it felt . . . different. It felt nicer than the average friend. Or maybe he simply didn't know how it felt to have real friends, considering he never really cared about that. His friends for middle school never gave a fuck for him - but neither did he give a fuck for them so they were even. L/n and Kirishima, and even Ashido, Kaminari and Sero maybe had the tiniest bit of care about him. Maybe he was confusing his feelings. He wasn't that great in that aspect, after all.

His phone buzzed and he wondered who could be texting him. He'd muted the group chat, so it was probably his parents. Picking up his phone from the night stand and grimacing at the light it emmited, he looked at the message.

hey bakugo just making sure to text you cuz you told me not to forget to text you earlier

Bakugo chuckled and unlocked his phone.

I was just mocking your stupid voice. I don't want you texting me

that's really unfortunate since i'm texting you already and i'm bored

Go to bed. It's fucking late.

it's 8:49


don't tell me you go to bed at like 8 or sth

And what if I do.

omg you go to bed at 8
does mommy make you go to bed that early? are you mommy's boy?


. . . damn
and then you're calling me baby
anyway how's the internship going

I told you to go to bed

answer the question

He offered me an internship because he thought he could change me

bruh I didn't expect this
why would he try to change you tho
sure your personality isn't the best but you're you and you shouldn't have to change
and i like the way you are it makes you more interesting
besides i admire your determination
even with that attitude of yours i think you'd make an amazing hero
lol that sounded weird sorry

Bakugo stared at what she said in surprise. She likes the way he is? No one, literally no one likes the way he is and everyone makes sure to tell him that. Yet here she was, telling him he should be yourself. It wasn't like he was going to change just because people don't like him, he doesn't give a fuck about people's opinion anyway. But it did feel nice to hear that someone liked him for who he is and believed he'd make a great hero, even with his shitty personality.

It was weird
But thanks

no need to thank me it's what i think
anyway i have to go shower now i'll text you tomorrow
cya explosion boy

Don't call me that
And don't text me tomorrow

She didn't answer, so he assumed she'd gone to shower already. Putting his phone down, he turned on his side and put one hand under the pillow, staring into nothing again. Maybe texting with L/n wasn't that annoying. He liked that she didn't judge him for serious things like this.

He did want her to text him tomorrow. And he was sure she would probably do anyway, since she's just annoying like that.

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