36 | we're officially breaking rules now

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i'm not dead y'all, just unmotivated, but i finally finished the part of the story i was dreading to write so maybe i'll have more inspiration now oop

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Y/n's leg bounced as she sat next to Momo on the train, her eyes staring out the circular window. Her thoughts were still clouded with worry, her mind speeding faster than the train. The two hour ride to Yokohama was almost over and Y/n couldn't wait to get off the train and search for Bakugo.

It's been almost 24 hours since Bakugo got kidnapped and with each passing hour Y/n felt like puking more and more.


She looked at Momo, who had a worried expression on her face. Was she also worried about Bakugo? She probably was, they are classmates, after all.

''What?'' She didn't mean to sound rude, but it didn't come out as nice as she intended.

"We'll find Bakugo soon. Please, you need to calm down,'' Momo spoke, putting her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

''I am calm.''

"You've been biting your nails for the past half an hour.''

Ah. So Momo picked up on that. She wasn't the vice class rep for nothing. ''Sorry, I can't help it.''

''Bakugo's strong, he can handle himself. If anything, we should be worried about finding the League of Villains beaten up rather than Bakugo himself.''

Y/n let out a dry chuckle. If the situation wasn't as bad as it was, she probably would've found it funnier. But until she saw Bakugo standing in front of her with her own two eyes, her leg was not going to stop bouncing.

''Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks, Momo.''

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Y/n loved Momo, she really did. She was one of her best friends, after all. But right at that moment, as she six U.A. students stood in the middle of the large shopping district, dressed in fancy clothes Y/n never thought she would wear, she was starting to question her friend's judgement.

They were loosing time. How was Bakugo doing while they were basically playing dress-up? Was he okay? Were they manipulating him? Threatening him? It felt like those questions have been running on repeat like a broken record in her head for the past day.

''And now, a scene from events that have just transpired.'' The group turned to look at the big screen, each of their eyes widening as they saw Aizawa, Vlad King and Principal Nezu on the huge screen. ''Here's a clip of the public apology issued by the off i'll at U.A. Academy.''

Aizawa was apologizing about what had happened at the training camp, though the public didn't seem to take it as well as one would expect. They were questioning U.A. as Principal Nezu said they were going to do everything they can to ensure their students' safety.

Now wasn't the moment to sit and watch a video, however. They had something more important to do. Turning to her friends, Y/n spoke louder than usual to get their attention. ''Guys, we gotta go, we're loosing time!''

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After having a small accident with a bunch of perverts, the group made their way to a narrow, gloomy street as not to draw much attention. It was starting to get a bit claustrophobic in the street, but she couldn't think about that now. The only goal on her mind was saving Bakugo and that seemed to push any other fear she had to the back of her head.

"There's a window here!''

After deciding that Midoriya, Kirishima and Y/n would be lifted up to see what was inside the building, Iida, Todoroki and Momo lent each their shoulder for their friends. Kirishima had bought a crazy expensive night vision camera and was going to use it to see if Bakugo was inside the building.

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