18 | bunny hero: miruko!

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''Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about the internships.'' Aizawa had finally awoken and was now holding papers in his hands. ''They will last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given their own lists, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't get offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns. They all work in different places and have different specialties.''

''For example, Thirteen would be focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains,'' Midnight said.

''Think carefully before you choose.''

''Yes, sir!''

The lists were given out and then the ball rang, with Aizawa's order to submit their choices before the weekend, which gave them two days to decide. He dismissed the class and left the classroom along with Midnight.

''Oh man, only two days?'' Y/n spoke as she looked through her list. ''I have so much to go through. Though, not nearly as much as Todoroki and Bakugo, I guess.''

Most heroes that sent her offers were familiar, though there were quite a few she'd never heard about before. She was writing down potential agencies she could go to, marking the pages with some sticky notes.

She came across a name and her eyes widened. ''No way!''

''What's up?'' Kirishima asked from behind her.

Turning around, she almost yelled. ''I got an offer from Miruko!''

''The bunny hero? She sent you an offer?'' Kirishima asked and Y/n nodded. ''That's so cool!''

''I know! I'm so going there!'' Y/n said excitedly and took her paper, ready to fill it in. ''Have you decided where you're going?''

''Not yet, though I narrowed them down to five,'' Kirishima said, then turned to Bakugo. ''Hey, Bakugo, have you decided where you're going yet?''

''Beast Jeanist,'' Bakugo spoke.


''That's so cool, Bakugo!''

''Of course it is! I'm the fucking best, that's why I only deserve the fucking best,'' Bakugo said as he put his feet on the table.

Kirishima and Y/n shared a look, both of them chuckling.

''Alright, Explosion Boy.''


- - -

''You all have your costumes, right?'' Aizawa asked, looking at the class standing in front of him. ''Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything.''

''Yessir!'' Mina spoke excitedly.

''Speak cleary! It's 'yes sir', Ashido!''

''Yes, sir . . .''

''Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships!'' Aizawa warned. ''Off with you, now.''

''Yes, sir!''

Y/n turned towards Bakugo and Kirishima, a big smile on her face. ''I can't believe we're actually going to work with real heroes! This is so exiting!''

''I know, right? And we get to take the same train too,'' Kirishima said.

''Fucking unfortunately,'' Bakugo scoffed and starting walking towards their platform. Kirishima and Y/n bade goodbye to Mina, Kaminari and Sero, who were going on different trains, and rushed to catch up with Bakugo.

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