15 | is it too much quirk energy or the adhd?

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Y/n stared at Bakugo, who was looking at Uraraka. The girl was laying on the ground, beaten up. She'd tried to fool her opponent,  yet to no avail as Bakugo had counterattacked, knocking her down. Then the crowd proceeded to boo him for being so harsh towards the girl.

Midnight arrived at the scene, putting her hand up to tell Bakugo not to get any closer. She checked Uraraka, then announced, ''Uraraka is out of commission. Bakugo advances to the second round!''

People cheered and Bakugo retreated. Y/n got up from her seat, rushing out and downstairs, towards the hallways. It didn't take her too long to finally come across Bakugo, who was going back to the box they were sat in.

''Bakugo!'' she yelled out as she neared him, causing the boy to look up from his wrist and at her. She came to a halt right in front of him, slightly panting. ''Are you . . . alright?''

Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows. ''Of course I'm fine. What's it to you anyway, Speedy?''

''I was worried about you.'' Y/n rolled her eyes. She looked at his hand wrapped around his wrist. ''Did you hurt yourself?''

''It happens when I overuse my Quirk, I'm fine,'' Bakugo said.

''You should go to Recory Girl,'' Y/n said.

''I said I'm fine, Speedy. Don't worry about me,'' Bakugo grumbled, then pushed past her and started walking. When he sensed she wasn't following, he turned around, still holding his wrist, and spoke. ''You coming?''

''Oh, yeah, sure,'' Y/n said as she rushed, trying to catch up to him. ''Are we going to visit Kirishima?''

''Is that your way of bribing me to go to Recovery Girl?'' Bakugo asked.



After Kirisihima won his arm wrestling match, the first round officially ended. Midoriya's and Todoroki's match was very emotional for the two boys and at the end Todoroki came out as victor. After them it was Iida and Shiozaki, in which Iida won.

And then it was Y/n's match again, against Tokoyami. She stood on the arena, staring at her bird-headed classmate, who stared right back at her.

If I win now, I'll have to face either Bakugo or Kirishima, Y/n thought. I could possibly beat Kirisima, but I don't think I can really beat Bakugo.

The match started and Y/n pretty much used the same tactic she used with Aoyama. Her speed was her all-time advantage — she could go as far as to say that she was invincible. If her opponent didn't know her Quirk, that is. Sure, she was pretty confident she could go up againt Bakugo, but he knew her Quirk. That was the only reason she was having her doubts about facing him.

''So your Quirk is speed?'' Bakugo spoke as he sat next to her on the step in the garden. Kirishima had went inside his house to bring drinks for their training session, leaving the two on their own.

''Well, yeah.'' Y/n nodded. ''Though there's additions to it. If I gather enough momentum by running, I can also create big shock waves, so to say. It could be dangerous if I'm not careful enough, though if I focus, I can control it at will. It can either hurt people or cause power outrages and sorts.''

''Sounds lame,'' Bakugo lied, hiding the fact that he actually found her Quirk quite intriguing. After all, she could possibly beat him with it, if he wasn't fast enough. Considering her Quirk was speed, he probably couldn't be fast enough.

''Oh, yeah? At least my Quirk isnt fireworks.''


Tokoyami was out of bounds before he knew it and Y/n was starting to think that it wasn't fair for him nor Aoyama — neither of them had any chance to react before they were thrust out of the lines. But then again, this was a tournament. She just had the upper hand here. It wasn't her fault.

''Sorry, Tokoyami,'' Y/n said as she walked over and shook his hand.

The timid boy shook his head. ''No need to apologize, L/n. It is a competition of strength, after all.'' Y/n gave her classmate a smile before the two parted ways to go to their respective exits.

She halted just in front of the exit, feeling her index finger twitch. She looked down at it, her eyes wide. When it didn't twitch again, she thought she'd probably imagined it. She proceeded to rush out of the arena.

By the time she made it back to the box, Bakugo and Kirishima were already in the arena and being introduced. She sat herself down where she'd sat with them previously and observed her two friends in peace, expecting to see who she'd be facing in her next match.

Her finger twitched again.

There was no way she imagined it this time. Looking down at her finger again, she saw it twitch again. And then one more time. She wrapped her other hand around it, trying to prevent it from twitching, but it did nothing.

No, no, no, this shouldn't be happening, not now, she panicked, trying to calm her breathing.

By the time Bakugo had won the match, her whole arm was twitching. She kept it close to her chest, trying her best to try and calm it down. She couldn't explode now, she has to release it later, not now.

''L/n, are you alright?''

Y/n looked up from her arm, still cluthing it to her chest. Bakugo and Kirishima had seated themselves next to her once again, staring at her in confusion. Well, at least Kirishima was. Bakugo had a scowl on his face.

''Oi, Speedy, you better be alright for our fight. I'm not fighting weaklings,'' Bakugo spoke, though he wondered what was happening to her. Was she getting a stroke or somehting?

''I'm alright, no need to worry about me, Bakugo,'' Y/n mocked him, which made him scoff.

The semi-finals started with Todoroki and Iida going first. When their match started, Y/n and Bakugo stood up to start heading to the waiting rooms. Kirishima wished his friends good luck, then they were off.

Y/n's eye started twitching next, so she didn't even glance in Bakugo's direction. She didn't speak, which he found odd. Even though her usual babble annoyed him, it was normal for her, so he couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with her.

''You sure you're fine, Speedy?'' he asked as he stopped, having reached their parting point.

''I'm fine. See you at the arena,'' Y/n said and rushed off, not even batting him an eye.

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