8 | great, the other classes hate us now (thanks, bakugo)

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Y/n felt relieved to be back to school after the two day break given to the students from 1-A to recover from the villain attack. She was too overwhelmed at home — her parents were mad with worry over her, even though she kept insisting she was fine, and her brother wouldn't stop asking her questions about her experience in fighting villains and witnessing All Might fight from up close. All in all, she didn't mind when she had to wake up early for school that day.

The class was as loud as ever when she arrived. She made it to her seat, sitting on top of her desk as her eyes fell on Bakugo. He was in his seat already, the only person who'd already sat down. He seemed deep in his thoughts, but Y/n decided to disturb that. ''Hey, Bakugo, who do you think is going to be our homeroom teacher now?''

''How am I supposed to know that, Speedy?'' Bakugo, surprisingly, answered. The door opened and the two looked up, along with everyone else in the classroom. A heavily bandaged Aizawa entered the classroom. The students weren't sure how exactly he was seeing, since he had bandages around his eyes, too.



''You're too much of a pro!'' Kaminari yelled.

Iida's hand flew in the air. ''So, you're alright, Mr Aizawa?''

''Can you really call that alright?'' asked Uraraka.

Aizawa walked to the front of the classroom. ''My well-being doesn't matter,'' Aizawa said. ''More importantly, the fight isn't over yet.''

The class' breaths hitched.

''The UA Sports Festival is drawing near.''


Y/n was almost jumping out of her seat from exitement at the news, her Quirk activating. ''Oh God, I'm excited! Are you excited? Of course you are, who wouldn't! I wanna win so bad! Do you wanna win? Of course you wanna win!''

Bakugo stared at the hyper girl, his eyebrows furrowed. Y/n turned to him when she felt him looking, her words halting.

''Wait a minute—'' Kaminari shut Kirishima up.

''Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck in?'' asked Jirou.

''What if they attack again or something . . .?'' asked Ojiro.

''Apperantly, they think of it as UA showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock holding the event,'' Aizawa explained. ''Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years.''

''Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be canceled because of a few villains.'' Aizawa added.

''But that's a good reason, isn't it?'' asked Mineta. ''It's just a festival of sports.''

''Have you never seen the UA sports festival?'' Y/n spoke.

''Of course I have! That's not what I meant!''

''Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events,'' Aizawa explained. ''In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports and the whole country was crazy about it. As you know, with reduction in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the UA sports festival.''

''Of course, all the top heroes in the country will be watching,'' Momo said. ''For scouting purposes!''

''I know that!'' Mineta said.

''After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro hero agency as a sidekick,'' Kaminari spoke.

''A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though,'' Jirou said. ''Kaminari, I feel like you'll be one of them. Since you're dumb.''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora