21 | bakugo's hair goes POOF

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''Oh look, it's the heroine.'' Y/n raised an eyebrow at Mina's words as she entered the classroom, putting her earplugs in her bag.

''What heroine,'' Y/n asked, putting her bag next to her desk, then sitting on top of it.

''I mean, you saving those hostages, of course!'' Kirishima spoke from the desk behind hers. ''It was so cool! And you were on the news, too!''

''Oh, right. I mean, it's our job as heroes to save people,'' Y/n shrugged.

''Well, yeah, but you got to do actual hero work! I was stuck with patrolling most of the time,'' Mina whined.

''Seriously? Seriously, Bakugo?'' Kirishima and Sero were suddenly dying from laughter, looking at the door. Y/n turned around and saw Bakugo standing there, his hair laying flat on his head.

''Stop laughing!'' Bakugo yelled, his arm twitching. ''My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey, stop laughing! I'll kill you!''

Y/n laughed as she quickly took her phone out of her blazer pocket and opened the camera, snapping a quick picture and sending it to Mina, in case Bakugo deletes it.

''I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!''

''I SAW YOU TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE SPEEDY, FUCKING DELETE IT!'' Bakugo yelled and from his rage, his hair puffed back to normal, which made the whole situation even funnier.

''IT'S BACK!'' Kaminari and Sero laughed, pointing at him.

Bakugo rushed over to Y/n, who was still toppling with laughter and took her phone out of her hand, deleting the picture of himself from her gallery, then heading back to grab Sero and Kirishima by the back of thier blazers. Y/n rolled her eyes at Bakugo, opening her chat with Mina and saving the photo from there.

''Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!'' Sero said, which grabbed Y/n's attention.

''I'm glad you guys made it out alive!'' Kirishima said. ''Seriously.''

Y/n looked towards Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida, all three of them standing around Todoroki's desk. She remembered how Midoriya had sent his location and then in the morning she was reading about the incident.

''I was very worried,'' Momo said.

''I heard Endeavor saved you, right?'' Sato asked.

''That's amazing! As expected from the number two hero!'' said Hagakure.

Todoroki looked down. ''Yeah. He saved us.''

Y/n might not be the best at reading people, but she could tell that something was off with Todoroki's answer. Was there something else? Were they hiding something?

''I saw on the news that the hero killer was connected to the League of Villains,'' Ojiro said. ''Imagining someone that scary coming to USJ freaks me out.''

''He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro?'' Kaminari asked.

''Video? The one of the hero killer?''

''Yeah,'' Kaminari confirmed. ''Seeing that, you can see how he's really single-minded and, like, tenacious. Doesn't it almost make you think he's cool?''

''Kaminari!'' Midoriya spoke and Kaminari realized he'd said that in front of Iida, so he aapologized.

''No, it's fine,'' Iida said, observing his arm. Y/n couldn't help but wonder if something had happened to it. ''It's true that he was tenacious. I understand how people could think he's cool. But he chose pruging as a result of his beliefs. No matter what he thinks, that part is definitely wrong. In order to keep everyone else from turning out like me, I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now