26 | villains go shopping, too?

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''Are you really leaving me with Bakugo?'' Kai asked excitedly.

''Yes,'' Y/n said as she knocked on the front door. ''I have some shopping to do and he agreed to look after you.''


The door opened and revealed Bakugo, wearing some basketball shorts and a tank top. One of his hands was stuffed in his pocket, while the other one held the door. ''What's up, shrimp.''

''Hi! Thanks for agreeing to look after me!'' Kai exclaimed.

''Yeah, no worries. Come in and take your shoes off,'' Bakugo said as he let the small boy inside. Kai's bag bounced as he ran in, standing next to Bakugo and taking his shoes off, putting them neatly to the side.

''Thanks for agreeing to watch him again,'' Y/n said.

''Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go shop or do whatever the fuck you have to do,'' Bakugo said, which caused Y/n to laugh. She waved goodbye and walked away, while Bakugo stayed at the door and watched her until she disappeared.

''Hey, Bakugo.'' Called boy looked down and met Kai's e/c eyes. ''Are you Y/n's boyfriend now or something?''

Bakugo shook his head. ''No, why?''

''Just asking. You were looking at her and all,'' Kai pointed out, causing Bakugo to look away as he felt his ears getting warmer. ''Anyway, can we watch a movie? Or play video games? Or practice our Quirks?''

''Whatever you want, I don't care.''

- - -

''Y/n, you came!''

Y/n smiled at Mina as she approached the group which consisted of most of 1-A's students. ''Yeah, sorry I was a bit late. I had to bring my brother to Bakugo's house.''

''Why would you bring your brother to Bakugo's house?'' Sero asked.

''He's looking after him for me,'' she admitted.

Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows. ''Bakugo's looking after your brother? You trust Bakugo to look after your brother?''

''Yeah, why not? I know he's mean, but Kai likes him and Bakugo was the only one available. He was even the one to suggest it.''


''Fucking simp,'' Kaminari whispered and Sero nodded his head in agreemed.

''Anyway, are we going inside?''

''And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced - Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!'' Y/n laughed at Mina's enthusiasm, though she was impressed as well. The building was huge and there were tons of shops, with variety of clothing.

''Oh, aren't those UA students?'' someone yelled out, grabbing the attention of the people who were in a hearing range.

''First years?'' another one spoke.

''I saw them on TV!'' a third one exclaimed.

''Sports Festival, yay!'' the three cheered together.

''Oh, there're still people who remember that . . .'' Uraraka spoke.

''Anyway, I need to buy a carry-on bag,'' Jirou spoke, not minding the fans. Everyone started listing out their needs, which turned out to be various, so Kirishima suggested for the group to split.

''That's a good idea,'' Mina said. ''Let's meet back here at three o'clock!''

Everyone agreed with the time and broke in small groups, Y/n ending up with Kirishima and Mina, Sero and Kaminari catching up soon after. The group entered a store and everyone went to find their own thing, Y/n and Mina going together to the girl section.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz