42 | bakugo does some dumb shit (again) (emotional)

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The tapping on her keyboard was loud in the otherwise quiet room. Her eyes were droopy and she wanted nothing more than to go to bed, but she had to finish all the homework she'd neglected for the past week due to training for her provisional license, which she'd gotten mere hours ago. She'd sat down on her laptop an hour after they came back and hasn't moved since, not even to get up and turn on her lamp.

Her window was open and that was the only reason why Y/n heard the noises from outside, finally looking away from her homework. Four figures were making their way towards the building - Aizawa, All Might, Midoriya and, to Y/n's surprise, Bakugo. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/n stood up from her desk and walked to the window, almost pressing her face, wondering what they've been doing.

''What the hell?'' After a quick tap on her screen, Y/n realized it was already past eleven. Bakugo usually went to sleep early, what was he doing outside so late? With Midoriya and two teachers, no less?

Deciding she had to check what was going on, Y/n quickly made her way downstairs using the elevator. As she neared the living room, Aizawa's voice grew louder and louder.

''-you'll clean the communal spaces! Morning and night! Also, I want written apologies from both of you!'' Aizawa yelled at the two and Y/n wondered if anyone else from the class could hear him. ''And head to the infirmary before those injuries get any worse! But don't rely on the old lady's quirk unless it's major. That's all! Go to sleep!''

As Y/n heard the teachers moving, she activated her Quirk and sprinted up the first staircase. Deciding she'd done enough homework for the day and realizing she's way too curious to go to sleep at the moment, she made her way to the fourth floor. Bakugo's room was locked, so she opted to quietly sit in front of his door and wait for him to come back.

The elevator doors opened and Bakugo walked out, his head down and hands in the pockets of his black sweatpants. Upon noticing him, Y/n quickly stood up, alerting Bakugo of her presence. As he looked up, Y/n saw the bandages on his face and arms.

''What are you-''

''What the hell happened?'' Y/n cut him off with a whisper-yell, quickly going over to him and lifting his face so she can inspect it. ''Holy shit, did you get run over by a bus?''

''It's not as bad as you think.'' Bakugo muttered and gently took her hands off his face so he can unlock his room. He walked in, waiting for Y/n to enter before closing the door and turning on the light.

''Do you wanna talk?'' Y/n asked as she stood in the middle of the room, watching Bakugo sit down on his bed. He shrugged in response. Sighing, Y/n walked over to the bed and sat down next to him, putting her hands in her lap. ''What happened?''

''I fought with Deku.''

Y/n's eyes widened slightly, but she tried not to let her surprise show. ''Why?''

Bakugo stayed silent for a moment. He couldn't tell her the truth, as much as he wanted to - he'd promised All Might and - as much as he hated it - he couldn't reveal Midoriya's secret. Not even to Y/n.

''I had to prove that I'm better than him.'' Bakugo answered without elaborating.

Y/n looked at him for a moment. Hesitantly, she reached out to grab one of his hands, waiting to see if he wanted to be touched or not. He took her hand and held it tight. ''There's more to is, isn't it?''

Bakugo squeezed her hand. ''It's just not fair.''

''What isn't?'' Lifting her free hand, Y/n slowly wrapped him in a half-hug. ''I'm here for you. You can tell me anything, you know that.''

Bakugo bit his lip. He couldn't talk about this with her. Instead, he shook his head. ''I know. I already talked it out with All Might and shitty Deku.''

Y/n's eyebrows raised in surprise at the fact he'd talked it out with Midoriya of all people, but she didn't comment on it. ''You're sure?''

''I'm sure.''

Y/n nodded, not wanting to pressure him into talking if he didn't want to. ''You should get some sleep, then. Are you going to be okay to go to school tomorrow?''

''I'm on house arrest for three days.''

''Oh.'' Y/n bit the inside of her lip. Three days without Bakugo at school? That would be boring. ''I should probably head to bed, then.''

Y/n started standing up, slowly letting go of Bakugo's hand. Just as she was about to turn off the lights and open the door, Bakugo spoke. ''Speedy?''


''Can you stay?''

Caught off-guard, Y/n's mouth opened slightly before she spoke. ''I . . . yeah. Sure, of course.'' She could feel her stomach turning as she walked back to Bakugo's bed. Bakugo had stood up and pulled the covers, laying down on his side. Y/n gulped as she laid down next to him and Bakugo turned the light off.

The room turned dark immediately, though Bakugo's eyes were illuminated from the streetlights outside. She could see him looking at her and she couldn't help but gulp. She knew Bakugo shared her feelings, but they weren't officially dating. It didn't matter at the moment because Bakugo needed the comfort and she would do whatever she could to help him.

Bakugo pulled the sheets over her as their heads laid on each end of his pillow - their faces were close, causing Y/n's heart to thump in double speed. Bakugo put his hand over hers and Y/n could faintly see him closing his eyes. A small smile stretched on her lips as she rubbed soft circles on the back of his hand.

And then she fell asleep to the sound of his steady breathing, forgetting that her laptop was still on upstairs with her homework still open, unfinished and unsaved.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang