20 | . . . she texted anyway

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''Alright, kid, we're going on a patrol today,'' Miruko said as the two stepped out of the hero agency. ''An important part of being a hero is to make sure people feel safe, so you make patrols to show the people that we're out there and we'll protect them, as well as be quick to act if there's something wrong nearby.''

Y/n nodded her head at everything the heroine said, taking mental notes of it. Miruko was so wise and strong, no wonder she was the number five hero.

Miruko waved and talked to people on the street - she'd even occasionally take pictures or give autographs. Being a hero made you a celebrity, Y/n noted, though if people were safe, was it actually a bad thing?

''Help! Help! The bank down the street is being robbed and they have hostages!'' Miruko looked up and noticed the man running their direction.

''Don't worry, sir, we'll take care of it. Everything will be okay,'' Miruko reassured him, then turned to her intern with a determined smile. ''C'mon, kid, it's time to do some real hero work.'' Miruko took off first, hopping towards the bank, whilst Y/n ran close behind.

There was a crowd in front of the bank, including news reporters, waiting for a hero to come. Miruko quickly came up with a plan and informed Y/n about it. ''Can you do that?'' Miruko asked when she finished.

''Of course I can.'' Y/n put on her goggles, then activated her earpiece, giving thumbs up to Miruko, who nodded in understanding and jumped to the rooftop. Y/n hid to the side of the building, waiting for the pro hero's signal.

''There's five of them in the main hall,'' Miruko spoke over the earpiece. ''There're also a lot of hostages, so you have to be quick.''

''That's my specialty,'' Y/n said and activated her Quirk.

Everything and everyone was frozen when she entered the building. She could see Miruko perched on a woodpiece near the ceiling, looking down at the scene. As ordered, Y/n was quick to act. She went around to the five thieves, pressing the nerves she knew would make them pass out immediately, then ran back near to the center, deactivating her Quirk. The hostages started screaming when the five men fell to the ground, unconscious.

''Evacuate!'' Y/n yelled, catching everyone's attention. ''C'mon, get out of here!''

The people did as told, rushing outside to safety, while Miruko jumped down, landing next to Y/n. ''Good work, kid,'' Miruko complimented, clapping the younger girl on the back, causing her to stumble slightly from the force.

''Thanks, but I don't think we're done yet,'' said Y/n, activating her Quirk again. She went around the building as Quick as she could, checking every room and space she came across. Only when she made it to the safe with the money did she find two more people, black ski masks over their faces and holding bags, the frozen imagine of them putting money inside them in front of Y/n.

She took the bags out of their arms, then knocked them down and dragged them back to where Miruko was, dropping them and deactivating her Quirk. ''Those are all, I didn't find anyone else in the whole building,'' Y/n said, looking up at the pro hero.

Miruko crossed her arms in front of her chest, a proud smirk on her face. ''Well, well, well,'' she said. ''That was more than an excellent job, kid.''

Y/n blushed. ''Thanks.''

''You can come in now!'' Miruko yelled out and policemen stormed inside, handcuffing and arresting the culprits.

The media was standing on the starts of the big bank, ready to interview the heroine who saved the day. One of the reporters trusted a microphone in their faces and spoke. ''Miruko, you've saved the day once again!''

''Oh, I barely did anything,'' Mirko said, wrapping an arm around Y/n's shoulders. ''It was all my intern's work!''

Another reported shoved their microphone in Y/n's face. ''You're L/n Y/n from the UA Sports Festival, aren't you?'' she asked.

''Yes, that would be me,'' Y/n said. ''Though, you can call me Sonic.''

The reporter nodded and turned back to the camera, speaking. ''You heard it here first, aspiring hero Sonic has officially made her hero debut!''

''Thank you, Sonic!'' Y/n turned towards the voices and recognized some of the hostages she'd seen inside.

''No need to thank me! That's my job, after all!''

- - -

Bakugo laid down on his bed when he gave up on fixing his flattened hair after another day of patrol. Taking out his phone, he decided to check today's news. He almost chocked on air when he saw Y/n's face on the top article, Miruko standing alongside her.

Opening the article, he read it through and, instead of annoyance, felt slight pride for her accomplishment. She was strong - she deserved the recognition she was getting.

As selfish as it sounds, maybe he really should've taken up Mirko's offer instead of Best Jeanist's.

He opened his messages and the chat with Y/n. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, thinking if he should actually text her.

Hey, Speedy, I saw what you did today. Good job.

Maybe that would weird her out, but he sent it anyway. It didn't take long before his phone buzzed with her response.

bakugo is praising me.
is this the real life
or is it just fantasy

Shut it you dumbass

and he's back
should've enjoyed it more while it lasted
thanks tho
i appreciate you taking some of your time to check out my accomplishment
just like a friend would ;)

Sure, whatever you say


Sure, whatever you say

this must a dream
anyway i gtg. ttyl


Tonight, Bakugo allowed himself to smile fully.

- - -

Y/n walked out of the shower, humming to herself. She still couldn't believe that Bakugo had actually praised her. Sure, he's done it before, but it was still surprised. If anything, she thought he would be jealous. It was kind of nice that he wasn't, but was, dare she say, proud of her.

Her phone buzzed and she looked at her bed where it lay. She thought it was Bakugo again. She picked up her phone, but instead a message from Bakugo, Midoriya had sent his location in the class group chat without any explanation. She wondered what had happened, perhaps it was an accident?

She checked the location and her blood ran cold.

He's in Hosu. In the same place the Hero Killer was last sighted.

She could only pray he was alright.

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