34 | i was too slow for the first time of my life (heartbreaking)

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She was going as quick as she could around the forest, though once the pink mist appeared, her movements halted. It's probably poisonous, she thought as she looked around, trying to spot a different way she could pass through, yet finding none, as the whole forest seemed to be covered.

Coughes filled the space and she looked at the direction they were coming from, noticing a girl walking out from the mist, her fist in front of her mouth as she coughed violently. Her brown hair was short and her bangs were covering her face - Y/n could tell she was from class B, though she wasn't sure of her name.

''Hey, are you-'' the girl collapsed before Y/n could finish her sentence, causing her to gasp. She looked around, noticing that there was no one else in the near. She had to help Bakugo, that's what she ran away for, but she couldn't abandon the girl. It wasn't what heroes did. Besides, Todoroki was with Bakugo, she was sure the two of them could defend themselves.

Y/n sighed as she hurried over to the girl and hoisted her up on her shoulders. Wrapping her arms around her legs, Y/n made sure the girl won't fall off before she activated her Quirk and ran off to leave her at a safe place.

It took seconds before she arrived back at camp and inside the room where she knew Vlad King was, her chest heaving slightly at the added weight on her back. ''Vlad King!''

''L/n, where did you wander off to?'' Vlad King asked before taking a look at the student on her back. ''Komori? What happened to her?''

Monoma stood up to take a look at his unconscious classmate as she was placed on a free desk. ''She was coming out of some pink mist covering the forest. I'm not sure what it is, but she passed out right after.''

''Pink mist . . .?'' Vlad King spoke before turning back towards Y/n. ''Good thing you brought her. Now, sit back down and don't move.''

''No, I have to go back,'' Y/n said as she turned around, ready to activate her Quirk once again. ''I have to find Bakugo.''

''Y/n, wait!'' Mina called as she grabbed her wrist, trying to stop her from leaving again. ''Bakugo can defend himself, you don't have to go after him!''

''But I need to make sure he's okay, he's the target, Mina!'' Y/n said, waiting for her friend to let go of her.

''If he knew, he'd be worried about you,'' Mina tried to reason with her.

''Yeah, well, I'm worried about him, too! Let me go!'' Y/n pried her arm free from Mina, causing the pinkanette to stumble back a few steps and watch as Y/n took off with her Quirk, causing her to sigh.

Kirishima placed a hand on Mina's shoulder, causing her to look up at him. ''She'll be fine.''

Mina sighed. ''I hope so.''

- - -

By the time Y/n made it to where she'd originally been, the pink mist had cleared, showing Y/n a trail she could follow. She ran and stopped periodically, trying to spot or hear someone, anyone, who could possibly point her towards where Bakugo was.

The worry crept further and further into her. Where was he? Was he alright? Have they caught him already? Was he fighting?

Shaking her head, she tried to calm down her breathing. Bakugo was strong, he can stand his ground. There was no way he was going to be taken away so easily, right? There was nothing to worry about . . . right?

There was yelling right above her and she looked up, noticing three figures flying above her. It was dark, though her eyes widened as she spotted Todoroki's split hair. She looked forward, to where they were probably flying and activated her Quirk, running right after them.

Just as she came across them, Todoroki and Shoji had jumped forward, whilst a very injured Deku was left behind. Their hands were outstretched, trying to capture small spheres that were flying in the air. Shoji had captured one of them, whilst Todoroki had not.

''How sad for you . . .'' one of the villains - he was covered in burn marks - spoke with a sinister grin on his face as he and another villain disappeared in a pitch black portal. ''Shoto . . . Todoroki.''

''It's him,'' the same villain spoke as he held onto the tiny sphere Todoroki had failed to capture. ''Go ahead and release them.'' With a snap of his fingers, his magic had been undone. Tokoyami had appeared from one of the spheres, landing on the ground.

Meanwhile, Bakugo had appeared from the second sphere, though the burnt villain's fingers were wrapped around his neck.

Bakugo looked right at Y/n, noticing her wide eyes and open mouth, which was trying to form words. ''Stay back . . . Y/n.''

His words had snapped her back into the reality, her hand flying in front of her. ''Bakugo!'' She activated her quirk, jumping up once she was close enough, trying to grasp Bakugo wherever she could.

And yet, by the time she'd arrived, the portal and Bakugo were gone, which resulted into her simply falling on her face.

''L/n!'' Todoroki called as he approached the girl, who hadn't moved an inch in the past few moments. He knelt down next to her and noticed her face, as she was lying on her cheek. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open.

''Todoroki . . . did they really . . . take Bakugo?''

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