35 | we're going to break rules

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Is Bakugo okay? Is he being beat up right now? Chained? Manipulated? Brainwashed? Maybe I should go and look for him myself, the heroes seem to have no leads. I can look around half the city for the afternoon-

''L/n.'' She looked up, seeing Todoroki standing there. He was holding a packed sandwich and a bottle of water that he'd probably bought from the hospital's vending machine. ''You need to eat something, here.''

Y/n shook her head as she hugged her legs tighter to her chest. ''I'm not hungry.'' Her stomach hurt, though not from hunger.

''Not eating anything won't help Bakugo, you know?'' Todoroki said as he took a seat next to her, still handing her the food and water. Y/n looked him in the eyes for a moment before she sighed and took his offers, letting her feet fall on the ground.

''Thank you, Todoroki,'' Y/n said as she opened the bottle of water and took a huge gulp - it had been hours since Bakugo disappeared.

''Don't mention it.'' He leaned back in the chair, his hands in his pants' pockets. He looked tired, much like she did - neither of them had time to sleep from the questiong and worrying that followed both of them, since they were some of the last people to see him. ''I'm sorry.''

Y/n looked up from opening her sandwich and at Todoroki with a quirked eyebrow. ''What are you apologizing for?''

''I couldn't save Bakugo.''

Y/n blinked before a half-hearted smile crossed her face and she placed a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. ''It's not your fault. You did your best.''

''But I could've done more.''

''Saying you could've done more wouldn't save Bakugo.''

''. . . Yeah, you're right.''

A moment of silence followed as Y/n munched on her sandwich, her stomach appreciating the food even though it tasted like shit. If Bakugo had been eating this, he would've cursed whoever had made it. The thought caused her to chuckle lightly.


She looked at Todoroki again and he seemed like he had something to say. ''I need to tell you something.''

Y/n quirked an eyebrow and almost choked when Todoroki told her he had overheard that Momo had put a tracking device on one of the villains and had a way to track him. Her eyes widened once the food was back on the right way to her stomach. ''Are . . . are you serious?''

''Yes, we just have to ask Momo to make a copy of the tracker and then we can go find him. The heroes aren't making any progress,'' Todoroki explained. ''Midoriya should be discharged soon, too. The class knows about the plan and Kirishima and Midoriya are both on-board. How about you?''

Y/n dropped her sandwich as she stood up, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she did so. ''Of course I'm in! When and where are we meeting?''

- - -

The night wasn't that chilly, yet Y/n couldn't help but still wear the hoodie Bakugo had given her back at camp. Back when he was still with them. His smell brought her comfort, giving her higher hopes that would find him tonight and bring him back home.

''Yaoyorozu said to let her think about it . . .'' Kirishima said as he stood on her right, his hands in his pockets. ''I wonder, though . . .''

''Well, no matter how fired up we are, we're not going anywhere without her help . . .'' Todoroki said.

The three were standing in front of the hospital, waiting for Momo and Midoriya to both hopefully show up so they can go and rescue Bakugo themselves. Y/n prayed that Momo would agree to bring the device, as that was the only hope they had of finding Bakugo.

''Ah! Here she is!''

Momo looked nervous. She was looking from left to right as if a hero was about to jump out of the bushes and arrest her for doing something illegal. Nevertheless, it calmed Y/n that she even decided to come.

Midoriya, too, appeared a moment later, the two of them approaching the other three. ''Whaddya say, Yaoyorozu?'' Kirishima asked.

''I . . .''


Everyone turned around to see someone they didn't expect to come tonight. ''IIda.''

''Of all people . . .'' Iida looked furious as he spoke. ''You guys should know better! Especially you two, who criticized me for my rash actions and like me, had to recieve a special pardon at the end! Why are you about to commit the same blunder I did? This is foolish!"

Y/n wasn't exactly sure what had happened in the Stain accident, but it must have affected him greatly for him to give such a speech. ''What're you talking about?''

''We're still under protection. And U.A.'s already facing hard times as it is. Who do you think will have to take responsibility for your actions?

''That's not how it is, IIda. Nobody said we're gonna break any laws . . .''

Iida went on about him being a class representative and him seeing Midoriya in such a state reminded him of his brother. But time was simply being lost.

''We may have no plan, Iida, but that doesn't mean we're simply gonna walk in their base and take Bakugo back, it doesn't work like that,'' Y/n cut him off. They didn't have enough time for all of this. ''I get that you're worried about us, but we have to go now. Who knows what they're doing to Bakugo right at this moment. If you don't want to come, then simply don't. We aren't forcing you, but just let us go save him.''

''I agree with Y/n,'' Momo suddenly spoke, causing everyone to turn back to her. ''And if worse comes to worst, I should be there as backup. That's why I'm coming with you too.''


''The thought that we can still reach him . . . I just can't sit around doing nothing. I have to save him!''

''There's no swaying you . . . in that case, take me with you!''

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