22 | you're so loud

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''Okay, that's it for class,'' Aizawa said as he fixed his papers. ''There's only one week left until the final exams. You all are studying properly, right? I'm sure you already know, but it won't be just written exam. There's also a practical component. Make sure you train your minds and bodies at the same time. That's all.''

Once Aizawa was out of the room, Mina and Kaminari immediately got up with panic, announcing that they haven't studied at all. People started going around and encouraging each other about the exams. A lot of people went to Momo for help and organized a study group.

Y/n sighed as she rested her head on her desk. Sevent in class isn't that bad, but I have no idea what's happening in math. I need to stop spacing out, she thought. She could hear Kirishima and Bakugo talking, but she didn't pay any attention to them, thinking about what she should do for her studying problem.

''Hey, L/n, Bakugo's tutoring me,'' Kirishima said, grabbing her attention. ''Do you want to tag along?''

Y/n stood up and sat on top of her desk, swinging her feet. ''Well, I do need some help in math, but I could ask Momo.''

''I can fucking tutor you better than Ponytail,'' Bakugo said, leaning back on his chair.

''So you'll tutor me?'' Y/n asked hopefully.

''I never said that.'' He crossed his arms. ''But alright. You'll both fuck up bad if I don't help you.''

''Thanks, Bakugo!'' Kirishima spoke with his usual toothy smile.

- - -

The small bell over the door ringed as Y/n entered the diner, a bag slung over her shoulder. She spotted her tutor and co-dumbass sitting on one of the booths, so she made her way there.

"You're late," Bakugo spoke as he took a sip of his vanilla milkshake.

"Yeah, sorry. I had to bring Kai to a friend's house," she said as she put her bag down. The waitress came back again and Y/n ordered, then the three brought their notebooks out.

The session wasn't going that bad - Y/n was finally understanding most of the things, though Kirishima still couldn't quite grasp some things, which, of course, irritated Bakugo to no end.

"HOW STUPID ARE YOU, SHITTY HAIR? THIS IS THIRD GRADE STUFF!" Bakugo yelled and hit Kirishima's head with rolled papers.

All customers looked towards their table at the commotion and Y/n started feeling uncomfortable.

"Bakugo, don't yell-"


A baby started crying and Y/n cringed, realizing how bad the situation was. She froze when a waitress came over, an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Excuse me, but you're too loud. I'll have to kindly ask you to leave." Bakugo got mad at that, bur Y/n was quick to put her hand over his mouth, muffling his curses. The three paid and picked up their books, then walked out of the diner.

"So, now that we got kicked out, where to?" Y/n asked, holding the strap of her backpack.

"I have to leave, my mom told me to go pick up something for her," Kirishima said as he looked at his phone, then up at Bakugo. "Sorry for not understanding, I tried, really. I'll go through it at home too. Thanks for the help, though!"

They bid goodbye to each other, then Kirishima went on his way. Y/n checked her watch and noticed that good three hours had passed since they'd started their study session.

"I have to pick Kai up, too. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Y/n asked as she looked up at the blond.

"Tch, I'm going in the same direction, dumbass. Besides, it's getting late, the old hag would kill me if I don't walk you home," Bakugo said and stuffed his fists in his pockets, then started walking ahead.

Y/n wasn't exactly sure who this 'old hag' was, but she didn't let it consume her. Even if he might not be doing it out of his own free will, it was still sweet that he'd walk her - well, Kai too - home, just to make sure they make it there safely.

She caught up and the two made their way to the house they had to pick the young boy from. It wasn't a long walk and Kai seemed ecstatic when he saw the explosive blond along with his sister.

"Bakugo! I didn't know you're coming, too!" Kai said at the door. He hurriedly put on his shoes and bid goodbye to his friend, who seemed intimidated by the teenage boy standing next to the girl. "You looked so cool at the Sports Festival! And you beat everyone! Even Y/n!"

A smirk took over Bakugo's face. "Well, of course I did! I'm the best, after all." His win still didn't sit right with him, but he could pretend for a little while, just to keep up with the little boy's excitement.

"Your fight with that guy - Todoroki? - it was so epic! But so was your fight with Y/n!" Kai kept on saying his thoughts about the festival out loud and Bakugo would add his own remarks to it, or maybe tell him what had happened in detail at certain moments.

Y/n, on the other hand, was completely flabbergasted, seeing her short-tempered friend keeping up with her hyped brother. And not getting annoyed. Maybe he was secretly good with kids? But then again, he said he yelled at some kids on the street when he did his internship with Best Jeanist.

She shook her head, deciding he shouldn't dwell on it that much. Maybe he was just developing his character - she shouldn't interrupt that. In fact, she should enjoy it, seeing as maybe, just maybe, he would change for the even better.

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