7 | off to the rescue, this time for real

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this is one of the ova episodes from season 1 so if you haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled, then skip this chapter, i guess. it's not all that relevant anyway.


This is the report of the USJ attack, committed by the villain alliance. The hero course 1-A, was involved in a rescue practice and became involved in the incident. Just as the training began, the alliance struck. The alliance used a Quirk to separate the students. The class' teacher and Thirteen fought against the villains, however Thirteen was gravely injured in his battle with Kurogiri. Aizawa was gravely injured and was left out of fight.

Afterwards, the teacher All Might joined the fray and reversed the situation. The class president, Iida, contacted the remaining professional heroes and the incident was resolved. As a result, two teachers were injured, but the first year students that managed to overcome the incident were left with a great expense.

However, UA must regain the trust of the people. We are an entity that trains the future defenders of their security. Maybe three years are a short time, so keep it present. We apologize having worried the families of the first year students. But we hope to continue counting with your trust and support.

Sincerely, hero class 1-A homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta.


''Well, that happened, but class is class,'' Thirteen said. ''So, let's begin the rescue training.''

Y/n's hands rested on her hips as she listened. Here they were again, at the USJ — each and every one of them clad in their hero costumes and ready to continue the rescure training they were supposed to do four weeks ago.

''Can you really move, Thirteen?'' Uraraka spoke, worry lacing her voice.

''My back hurts, but it's nothing compared to Aizawa!'' Thirteen said as he gestured towards the mentioned teacher, him being wrapped up in crisp white bandages from head-to-toe, more or less.

''We're ready to begin class, let's start already,'' Aizawa said. ''We're wasting time.''

''Mr Aizawa,'' Deku spoke, causing the teacher to stop in his tracks and look at the student. ''All Might is supposed to meet us as well. Where is he?''

''I don't know. Forget about him,'' Aizawa said and continued walking.

I knew Aizawa doesn't particularly like All Might, but it seems as if something happened between them, Y/n thought as she watched her teacher's back.


The class stood atop a hill, in front of them a crater. Y/n wondered exactly how they would be training here, but surely the teachers have thought this through.

''Let's start with the training rescue!'' Thirteen spoke cheerfully. ''There'll be four students at the bottom of the chasm. One of them will be unconscious, the second one will have a concussion, the third one will have an injured leg and the last one will be very worried.''

Kirishima and Kaminari leaned over the crater, taking a look at the seemingly bottomless pit. Y/n remained back, wondering exactly how she could be using her Quirk in a situation like this. It didn't seem very useful to her.

''What height!'' Kirishima exclaimed.

''How are we supposed to get there?'' asked Kaminari.

''What are you saying? Are you okay? Do not worry, we will save you!''

Y/n snorted as Iida ran over and leaned over the pit, too, trying to reassure whoever was down there, even though there was no one.

''This is so stupid,'' Y/n heard Bakugo, who was standing next to her, mumble under his breath.

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