10 | why does bakugo have to keep making the other classes hate us?

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Y/n couldn't sit still, but she couldn't really use her Quirk to relieve her tension either, since the room was too small and crammed with her classmates. She settled on pacing around the room, trying her best to calm down. She didn't know if it was excitement or nerves, but whatever it was, it kept her up and moving.

That, of course, irritated Bakugo to no end. His eyes followed her every movement. ''Are you nervous or somethin', Speedy? Why the fuck do you keep on pacing?''

Y/n looked up at Bakugo, not even slowing down in her movements. ''I can't, it's a side effect of my Quirk — whenever I feel exited or nervous I need to relieve myself by running, but since I can't at the moment, pacing is my best bet.'' Bakugo didn't comment any further. It annoyed him, sure, but knowing she couldn't help it, he just let her do her thing.

''Midoriya,'' a deep voice spoke and the whole room queted down, looking at the dual haired boy, who was approaching Midoriya.

''Todoroki? What is it?'' Midoriya asked as he turned around to face Todoroki.

''Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you.''


Everyone in the class was confused at this point, even Y/n stopped her pacing to concentrate on the exchange.

''Y . . . Yeah . . .''

''But . . . All Might has his eye set on you, doesn't he?''

Y/n cocked an eyebrow and looked at Bakugo, thinking he might know something, seeing as they were something like childhood friends. Though as the two met glances, Y/n could tell that he was just as confused as everybody else. Even Midoriya himself looked surprised.

''I'm not trying to pry about that,'' Todoroki said. ''But I'm going to beat you.''

''Oh? Is the best in the class making a declaration of war?'' Kaminari spoke as Kirishima stood up and approached the two.

''Hey, hey, hey! Why're you picking a fight all of the sudden?'' Kirishima spoke as he put a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. ''Not now, we're about to start!''

''We're not here to play best friends.'' Todoroki pushed away Kirishima's hand. ''So what does it matter?'' He walked away.

''Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me. I think you're more capable than most people . . . Looking at it objectively . . .''

''Midoriya you probably shouldn't talk so negatively . . .'' Kirishima tried to lift the mood.

''But, everyone — the students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to fall behind.'' Midoriya looked up and straight at Todoroki. ''I'll be going with everything I've got, too.''

''Yeah.'' Todoroki nodded.


Most aspiring heroes seemed indifferent, but they were probably scared shitless on the inside at how many people were in the stadium only. Well, at least that was the case with Y/n, who had a determined expression on her face, knowing she has to make a good impression to the heroes who would scout her as an intern.

''There're so many people here,'' Y/n spoke.

''Yeah, it's making me kind of nervous,'' Kirishima, who was walking next to her, admitted. Bakugo didn't comment, but both of his friends — not that he'd admit it — knew that he was probably exited for this, since they wouldn't dare think that he was nervous.

''For the player pledge!'' Midnight spoke as she swung her whip around.

''What is Ms. Midnight wearing?'' Y/n heard Kirishima speak nervously from next to her, blush coating his cheeks. Y/n laughed.

''That's an R-Rated Hero for you,'' Kaminari spoke from next Kirishima, his cheeks pink as well.

''Is it okay for her to be at a high school even though she's R-Rated?'' Tokoyami questioned.

''Yes!'' Mineta exclaimed, throwing his thumb in the air.

''Mineta, you're a disgrace to society,'' Y/n said as she looked at her short classmate, who didn't seem to pay her any mind.

''Quiet, everyone!'' Midnight yelled and everyone did as told. ''Representing the students is Bakugo Katsuki from Class 1-A!''

Y/n snapped her head towards the blond on her other side, seeing him completely indifferent, hands in his pockets. She prayed to herself that he won't say anything stupid as he walked towards the podium.

''What? It's Kacchan?'' Midoriya whispered.

''That guy did finish first in the entrance exam,'' Sero answered.

A girl from class 1-C sighed. ''In the hero course.''

''R-Right,'' Midoriya stuttered.

''It's obvious she hates us,'' Sero whispered.

''And it's all Bakugo's fault,'' Kaminari said.

Bakugo stood in front of the microphone, hands still in his pocket. Y/n crossed her fingers, praying that the blond won't blow this up.

''I pledge . . . that I'll be number one.''

He blew it.

All classes started booing the blond, though he didn't seem phased at all. Class A thought everyone hated them before — they couldn't even imagine what the others thought of them now.

''Why are you doing something so disgraceful?'' Iida scolded.

''At least become a nice bouncy step for me to jump off of,'' Bakugo turned around towards his distressed classmate, giving him a thumb-down.

''How overconfident can you get?'' A Class B student raged. ''I'll crush you!''

Bakugo ignored everyone as he walked down the podium, past Iida's robotic hand movements and bumping into Deku's shoulder, resuming his place next to Y/n and Kirishima, both of whom were exasparated by his words.

''Now, let's get started right away!'' Mighnight resumed talking when everyone had calmed down. ''The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year many drink their tears here! Now, here is the first fateful game! This year it's . . .''

A digital wheel started spinning furiously on the screens, causing the students to anticipate their fate. It took a few seconds before it finally stopped, the words 'obstacle race' written on it.

''. . . this!''

Y/n's eyes widened. A race!

''All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the other circumference of this stadium - about four kilometers!'' Midnight whipped her whip again. ''Our school's selling point is freedom. As long as you stay in the course, it doesn't matter what you do!''

''Now, take your places, everyone!''

As all classes lined up on the starting line, Y/n managed to land a place on the front. Tightening her red sneakers, she stood up and looked around herself. Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Momo and a lot of her other classmates had ended up on the front line too.

''Ready, set, go!''

None of them had anything on her and her speed, though.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now