3 | teamwork is hard

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After explaining how the lots will go, All Might got to work. Y/n wouldn't mind being paired with any of her classmates — or, maybe except Mineta — but she hoped she'd get to be with someone of the group she'd sat with at lunch, seeing as they were getting along pretty well. Kirishima would be a rather good partner, and so would Mina, or maybe—

''Team D will be Bakugo Katsuki and L/n Y/n.''

Perhaps Y/n didn't have Bakugo in mind at first, but he was strong. She was sure they could win the exercise.

As Y/n contemplated, the blond looked around, recognizing the name that was called to be in a team with him, since it was one of the only names he bothered memorizing. He looked at the girl standing behind him, seeing her deep in thought. She wasn't too bad, she did place under him in the exercises the day before. Maybe they could make this work, even thought Bakugo would've preffered to go on his own.

After the duos have been set, All Might pulled out two boxes and started drawing lots. ''The first two to fight will be these guys!''

Teams A and D.

''Team A will be heroes and team D villains! Villains go in first!''

The girl approached Bakugo first as the others started making their way towards the watching rooms, from where they would observe all matches. ''C'mon, Speedy.''

Speedy? Y/n thought, but decided to brush it off. Maybe he was just like that.

''You'll guard the bomb and I'll take care of Deku and Round Face.''

Okay, Speedy is better than Round Face.

Y/n agreed to the plan, surprising Bakugo when she didn't have anything to say against it. Entering the building, the two parted ways, going to their respective places. Standing in front of the fake bomb, Y/n put a finger to her earpiece, activating it.

''Are you in position?'' Y/n spoke, her eyes not leaving the door where either Midoriya or Uraraka can come through at any moment.

''Yeah,'' Bakugo's rough voice came from the other side.

''Alright,'' Y/n said, proceeding to plop down and sit next to the bomb.

She had her own strategy. By coming off to seem distracted, she would be able to catch the other team off guard, which could be their chance of winning. Keeping her legs crossed, she drew random shapes on the ground and listened to Bakugo yell at Midoriya through her earpiece.

Uraraka's giggle came to Y/n's ears, the latter not showing any indication that she'd heard the former. Waiting a few seconds, Y/n stood up and stretched, as if she didn't know that Uraraka was there at all. Then, in a flash, Y/n grabbed the bomb and moved it away, looking the brunette dead in the eyes.

''I won't be so easy to beat,'' Y/n announced, standing in a fighting stance.

Uraraka stepped out from the entrance of the room, fully revealing herself. ''Neither will I.''

Looking around, the brunette noticed the many boxes she could use against her opponent. Unfortunately for her, Y/n was way quicker, being able to gather all the boxes and throw them out of the windows, then get back to the bomb in mere seconds.

Uraraka blinked a few times, trying to come up with a new plan and quick. Y/n watched her intensly as she stood in front of the bomb, listening in on how Bakugo was getting more and more fired up. Hearing a boom, she hissed in her ear piece. ''Don't kill him!''

''I fuckin' won't, chill,'' Bakugo spoke back, followed by a louder and bigger explosion, causing Y/n to stumble. The floor under the two girls' feet exploded, debris rising into the air. Uraraka took the opportunity to use her Quirk on the flying pieces and picking up one of the bigger ones, hitting some of the not so smaller ones towards the current villian, almost smashing Y/n, who was thrown on the ground, which gave Uraraka a clear path to secure the bomb.

''Hero Team wins!'' All Might announced and Y/n laid back down in annoyance at hearing that.

We were so close, she thought to herself, even though she knew there was no point in getting worked up about it.

Finally getting up, the two girls made their way out of the building, meeting with Bakugo on the way and seeing Midoriya getting wheeled out on a stretcher, unconscious. Y/n looked at the blond, wanting to comment and to remind him that she had told him not to kill the other boy, but decided to refrain from speaking upon seeing his face.

The three remaining teens stood next to each other in front of their class, Bakugo avoiding everyone's gazes while Y/n and Uraraka just waited to hear what their teacher was going to say about their performance.

''Well, even if I say that, the MVP of the match was Young L/n!''

Y/n perked up at that, looking at the number one hero in wonder. She was the MVP? But she lost, how was she the most valuable player? While Y/n was still contemplating over All Might's statement, Uraraka joined Bakugo at looking at the ground in shame.

''It's not either of the winners, Ochako or Midoriya?'' asked Tsuyu.

''Hmm . . . well, why is that?'' asked All Might. ''Does anyone know?''

''Yes, Mr. All Might,'' Yaoyorozu raised her hand up. ''That is because Y/n adapted most to the idea of the exercise. She managed to fool Ochako by seeming distracted and had a strategy. Bakugo was going on his own, because of a personal grudge and he made the mistake to launch a big explosion indoors. Midoriya's plan was rash and he took a lot of damage. Uraraka let her guard down mid-battle and her final attack was too reckless. The only reason the villains lost was because the boys created a big explosion, which threw Y/n off balance. If they hadn't, I'm sure the villains would've won.''

Y/n thought over Yaoyorozu's words, understanding where she was coming from. Though she still thought she could've done more and better.

''Well, Young L/n's strategy was good, indeed, but she still needs small corrections,'' All Might agreed with Yaoyorozu's explanation. ''But well, that was correct!'' he gave thumbs up to Yaoyorozu, who merely nodded.

The matches continued. Y/n stood next to Uraraka and the remaining of their classmates as they watched the matches in progress on the multiple monitors. Looking behind the group, Y/n noticed Bakugo hanging in the back on his own, looking like he was sulking. She wasn't sure if it was the right decision, but she walked over to the blond anyway.

''Hey, uh, Bakugo?'' Y/n spoke calmly, trying not to anger the blond.

''What?'' Bakugo almost growled at her.

Y/n shifted on her feet. ''I just wanted to apologize. If I hadn't lost my balance, we could've won.''

''Why're you apologizing? It's my fault we lost anyway,'' Bakugo spoke, looking at the girl. ''You're the damn MVP of the match, remember? You did good.''

His words made Y/n feel funny. Knowing him, she didn't expect him to sort of accept her apology, even less compliment her. She didn't mind it, though. The two fell into not-so-uncomfortable silence until Mina called Y/n over to talk with her. The latter looked at Bakugo, feeling bad for ditching him and leaving him to sulk alone. But then again, she couldn't really do anything to help him, right? After all, she was just an extra to him.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now