23 | best jeanist, i choose you!

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Hey guys, I can't come today, I have to do something for my mom. Sorry.

Y/n typed a quick okay in the group chat that consisted of her, Bakugo and Kirishma, then put her phone in her pocket and continued packing her backpack. It was Saturday, which meant it was the last study session with Bakugo, since everyone's going to study alone on Sunday. Y/n hoped Kirishima had understood the material.

She bid goodbye to her family as she walked out of her house and walked the few streets distance to Bakugo's house. She knocked on the door when she arrived.

''Finally, you're fucking here,'' Bakugo grumbed as he let her in, closing the door behind her.

''I'm early, for your information,'' Y/n said as she removed her shoes. ''Or did you miss me? Oh my All Might, you did!''

''As if I'd miss a dumbass like you!'' Bakugo yelled and walked further into the house, leaving Y/n to follow. They made it to his room and Y/n was surprised to find it extremely neat.

''Do you want anything to drink, idiot?'' he asked, crossing his arms.

''Damn, he's got manners.''


''Water would be fine.''

''Tch.'' He walked back out of the room. ''Don't fucking break anything.''

Y/n nodded and turned around, sitting on his desk chair. She took out her books and a pen, then looked around his desk. He had a few All Might pens and sticky notes. His inner fanboy was cute to her.

''Here's your fucking water,'' Bakugo spoke as he came back, a glass of water in each hand. He put them down on the desk, then pulled an extra chair that looks like it's been brought from the dinning table.

''Do you want to sit in your own chair? It's more comfortable,'' Y/n said, feeling bad for intruding.

''It's fine, Speedy,'' Bakugo said, then leaned over her work. ''Now, what else don't you understand?''

They studied for two hours, mostly revising as Bakugo had already caught her up to the material. She'd understood everything and since it was still early and Bakugo hasn't kicked her out yet, she asked him what they should do now.

''We can play a damn video game or something,'' Bakugo spoke as he got up and picked up the two controllers - one orange and one black - that had been previously over his console, then handed the orange one to her. ''Can you even play?''

Y/n grabbed the controller and stood up as well. ''Of course I can. What should we play?''

Bakugo put in a hero fighting game, him choosing All Might before Y/n can take him, to which she took Best Jeanist, just to annoy him. She did succeed when she heard him groan in annoyance. Bakugo sat against the pillows of his bed, facing the TV, whilst Y/n sat at the foot of it, cross-legged.

The two played a few rounds, changing players every time. They were so distracted that they didn't hear the front door of the house open and Bakugo's parents coming in. Mitsuki and Masaru heard the yells from their son's room, which was normal, but got curious when they heard the female cheer.

''You fix the groceries, I'll go check,'' Mitsuki told her husband and before he can protest proceeded to climb up the stairs. ''Katsuki?''

Y/n almost dropped the controller when the door was opened, while Bakugo seemed unaffected, which helped him win the round, cheering arrogantly for a second, before turning towards his mom. ''Oh, what do you want?''

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now