44 | how can he be such an idiot?????

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Y/n rolled her shoulders as she walked down the hallway of the dorms. Sitting in the school chair was not good for her back.

She knocked on the door and received a faint answer; she couldn't tell what he said, but she opened the door regardless, causing Bakugo to turn around with a scowl on his face. She chuckled. ''Well you look cheerful.''

''Shut up, Speedy.''

Bakugo was sitting on his desk as Y/n entered his room - still clad in her uniform and her backpack slung over her shoulder - closing the door behind her. She let her bag drop at the foot of his bed before walking up behind him to see what he was looking at at his computer; he was already doing the English homework President Mic had assigned earlier.

She leaned over his shoulder, her tie dangling and touching his shoulder, causing him to look up at her. ''How do you already know what the homework is?''

''I've got people on the inside,'' Bakugo replied nonchalantly, continuing to type away.

''So that's why Kirishima was stressing if he'd sent you the right file earlier,'' Y/n commented and took a few steps back. Her eyes fell on his bed that was neatly made and suddenly wondered if it was okay if she sat — was it even alright she'd just barged in like that earlier?

Bakugo looked over his shoulder, noticing her. ''Make yourself at home.''

She looked at him, but he was already looking back at his homework. Shrugging, she plopped down on the bed, leaning her back on the wall. ''You know, there was a whole assembly earlier about whatever happened between you and Midoriya yesterday.''

''Oh, really?''

He didn't sound interested in the slightest, but she continued. ''Yeah, they mentioned that we should try to get along or whatever. Oh, also, apparently we're going to have work—'' She cut herself off, remembering Aizawa's words from earlier.

That seemed to catch Bakugo's attention as his fingers stopped moving. He turned around in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed. ''Work what?''

Y/n pursed her lips. ''Aizawa said we aren't supposed to tell you or Midoriya.''

He looked even more intrigued. ''Tell me.''

''No.'' Y/n shook her head. ''I don't wanna get in trouble.''

Bakugo still sat in his spinning chair as he pulled himself forward, stopping in front of the bed. Y/n sat the edge as well, the two of them face to face. Their noses were so close Y/n felt her cheeks heating up, but she tried to play it off cool.

''Tell me,'' Bakugo demanded again, his piercing red eyes boring into hers.

Y/n gave him a small smile. ''No.''

Silence filled the room. He was still close, too close for comfort — or was it actually more comforting that he was so close? Her eyes fell down to his lips and then back to his eyes. The slight twitch of his eyebrow told her he'd seen her.

He was the one who started leaning in first. They were already close so it wouldn't take him much to press his lips to hers. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt like her lungs had given up on her. Was this happening? Was Bakugo about to kiss her? Was he finally ready? Were they finally going to take the next step? Oh, how long she'd been waiting. But was he ready? Was he forcing himself to go quicker for her? Why did he want to kiss her all of the sudden? It was getting hot in the room, she needed to breath, but she also needed to feel Bakugo's lips on her own.

She closed her eyes, waiting. Waiting and waiting and suddenly she felt his lips move up to her cheek. The bed dipped on both her sides — he'd leaned his hands on it — and his breath was suddenly at her ear. Her heart was beating twice as quick, even without her Quirk. What was he doing?

''Tell me what Aizawa said.''

His voice was husky as he whispered in her ear. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, her mouth parted open. She looked over his shoulder, at his unfinished homework.


She put her hands on the armrests of his chair and pushed him back enough so she could stand up. ''What the fuck?'' Bakugo asked as he watched her move to grab her backpack from the ground. ''Oi, what's your problem? Speedy?''

Her hand grabbed the handle of his door and she heard him get up from his chair. She turned around only to face him, his eyebrows still furrowed. Of course he wasn't going to kiss her, why would she even think that? He just wanted to know what he'd missed in class; he had to know if he was going to be the greatest hero one day. Yeah, it was just that.

Did he lead her on that day at the cabin? Did he feel pressured to say something because she basically forced him to?

''That was foul.'' Her voice was quiet and she opened the door, letting herself out.

''Y/n, wait—'

She slammed the door, cutting him off and hurrying to the elevator. She pressed the button and it opened immediately. Her eyes fell on Bakugo's door as she entered, noticing him exiting his room just as the elevator doors closed.

Back in her dorm, she locked the door and dropped her backpack on the ground. She leaned back on the door and looked towards her window, seeing the trees and grass surrounding their dorm building.

Maybe she was being dramatic, but she couldn't help but feel hurt. He'd almost stolen her first kiss just because he wanted to know what he'd missed at school. Wasn't that kind of unfair? Especially when she was the one who was there for him the day before. It was his own fault he was on house arrest.

Shaking her head, she decided to try to do her own homework, not wanting to think about Bakugo, despite him being the only thing on her mind, just like the past few weeks.

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