47 | way too much energy, hell, i can't hold it in

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updated after half a year sorry bbgs


Y/n's legs were sore from using her Quirk all day and she couldn't wait to get to bed and crash for the night. They'd had to stop another bank robbery, a car chase — Y/n had to do that due to her quirk — a store robbery. All small crimes, all quick, but the amount of them was taking a toll on her.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. She yawned as she stepped in the hallway, scratching the back of her head.


She stopped in her tracks, her eyes opened.  Bakugo stood there, right in front of her door. He was still in his school uniform and his hands were in his pants' pockets, his eyes narrowed.

Oh boy. This was the last thing she needed.

"Move over," Y/n's voice was low as she approached her door, coming to stand right in front of him. When he didn't, her eyes met his and she narrowed them. "Move over, Bakugo."

"Not until we talk this out," Bakugo said, standing as if his feet were planted in the ground.

"Since when are you so into talking things out?" Y/n scoffed and put a hand on his shoulder, trying to push him to the side. "I'm not in the mood for this."

Still, Bakugo didn't budge. His fingers wrapped around her wrist, but he didn't push her away. "Y/n, please."

She closed her eyes. She hated when he pled with her, when he sounded so vulnerable — Bakugo wasn't vulnerable. That wasn't him.

She tired. Tired of the day, of using her Quirk, of Bakugo. Despite everything, she willed herself to activate her Quirk one last time for the day, everything showing down; she pried her hand from Bakugo's grip and pushed past him, entering her room and locking it before deactivating it. She slumped against the door, breathing heavily. Her whole body ached, but it was okay, at least she was in the safety of her room now.

She heard a thump from outside, followed by a, "THE HELL? SPEEDY, OPEN THE DOOR!"

"Go the fuck away, Bakugo," Y/n managed to get out. Her head spun and she closed her eyes, trying to keep her lunch in her stomach.

"Y/N!" He was banging on the door now, rattling it in the process, not helping Y/n with her nausea. "LET'S JUST TALK IT OUT."

She didn't answer. She willed herself to stand up, her legs wobbly. She dropped her backpack next to her desk, then dropped on the bed; if she wasn't this tired, she would've hated herself for laying on her bed in her outside clothes, but she was too weak to care at the moment.

Bakugo's banging stopped, but he was still outside, Y/n could her him grumble to himself. "I won't leave until we sort this out," Bakugo declared and then there was one last thump against the door. Had he sat against it?

No matter, she had bigger issues than Bakugo right now. Her leg was twitching. Her leg was twitching.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Y/n tried to will herself to stop. This hasn't happened since the sports festival. Why was it happening now? Why not earlier, when she was outside? When she could've ran out to a safe place and release all the build-up energy?

Her leg twitched again.

What do I do? If she concentrated enough, she could minimize the damage to only technology. But can she even do that now? She was tired, she was sore, she just wanted to sleep.


"Bakugo," Y/n managed to call out. Her voice was weak, so she wasn't sure if he can even hear her.

speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now