31 | bakugo's definition of destiny is . . . something else

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shit i forgot to update yesterday 💀 merry christmas to whoever celebrates it!!

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She carefully closed the door behind herself, stuffing her hands in the pockets of Bakugo's hoodie. Her steps were quiet as she made her way towards the exit of the house. A chuckle left her lips when she saw him sitting there again, just as he'd been the previous night.

''Why're we awake in the same time again?'' Y/n asked as she sat down next to him. He simply looked at her and shrugged.

''Must be damn destiny or something.''

''I didn't know you believe in destiny.''

''I fucking do, I'm destinied to surpass All Might, after all.''

Y/n laughed, but didn't respond. She leaned on his shoulder again, looking as the sky became lighter. It wasn't midnight this time - it was early in the morning, a little before they were supposed to wake up for training. She'd decided to come look at the sunrise before she'd had to do rounds again, but didn't expect to meet Bakugo. She wasn't really complaining, though.

''Why're you so nice to me?'' Y/n asked, not looking away, therefore not seeing Bakugo furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. ''In comparison to the others, at least. Usually, you'd have blasted them away by now if it was Kaminari or Mina or something.''

''Well, yeah, because they're fucking annoying.''

''So I'm not annoying?''

''You're less annoying.''

''Fair enough.'' Y/n nodded. ''But I think there's more to it.'' She put her chin on his shoulder and looked up at him. She hadn't realized how close they were until he'd turned towards her as well, their noses almost touching.

He blindly looked for her hand and held it tight when he found it, not daring to look away from her eyes. ''So what if there is?''

Y/n blinked in surprise. She was the one who edged him on, but that's not what she expected. ''Oh?''

''Don't 'oh' me, dumbass,'' Bakugo chuckled dryly. He lifted his head slightly and pressed his lips to her forehead, closing his eyes. Y/n melted under his grip as she felt his hand sneak behind her head, tangling itself in her hair. ''I . . . I-''

The two froze when they heard a door creak, ruining the moment. Y/n, acting quick, sprung up and pulled Bakugo as well, running away. Even without her Quirk she was pretty quick on her feet and Bakugo struggled to keep up. They made it on the other side of the building, panthing slitghly. Y/n sat down, resting her back against the wall, Bakugo following suit.

''What did you want to say?'' Y/n asked as she looked up at him.

Bakugo shook his head, his ears becoming red. ''It's nothing.''

''C'mon, it wasn't nothing!'' Y/n said and turned slightly towards him. ''Please, I think I know what you wanted to say, but . . . I need a confirmation.''

His eyes bore to the ground. Was he really going to tell her? The moment was ruined and he wasn't thinking when he almost spilled his guts to her. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe he just ruined everything, maybe-

''Bakugo,'' Y/n said and he looked up at her. She put a hand on his cheek and gave me a sweet smile. ''Let me start then. I like you.''

His heart skipped a beat. Maybe two, but he couldn't be sure. It was dead silent, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. Could she hear it, too? Would she think he was weird if she knew how fast his heart beat for her?

Bakugo laughed and put a hand over his face, trying to hide his blush. He's never felt so boyish before. ''I fucking like you, too, Speedy.''

Y/n tried to bite off a smile, but the grin still broke on her face. She wrapped her arms around him, giving him a tight side hug. Bakugo snorted, but wrapped his arms around her as well, pulling her close.

The two stayed like that for a few minutes, not saying anything. Neither of them could believe what had just happened, but they certainly weren't complaining.

They could hear their classmates talking, which meant they were awake. ''We should probably go back,'' Bakugo said, yet he only pulled her closer.

''I don't want to,'' Y/n whined, knowing that once they went back they'd start training.

''Me neither, but if we don't the idiots won't leave us alone,'' Bakugo reasoned.

Y/n sighed. ''Fine.''

They stood still for a few more seconds before Bakugo took his arms from around Y/n, who sighed in disappointment. He pulled her up and the two stared at each other when Bakugo spoke. ''Would you . . . like to sneak out later . . . or something?''

Y/n smiled. ''Of course. After everyone goes to sleep?''

''Sounds good,'' Bakugo said and hesitated before he pecked her forehead again, causing Y/n to feel giddy on the inside.

The two went back, each of them staffing their hands in their pockets. Y/n bid him goodbye when they passed the girls' room, while Bakugo continued to the boys' room.

''Y/n, where have you been? We were looking for you!'' Mina exclaimed when she saw her best friend entering the room.

''I went to look at the sunset,'' Y/n said, a small smile on her lips. She wasn't exactly sure where the thing with Bakugo was going, but for now, she decided to keep it to herself. She was sure Bakugo would do the same.

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Y/n panted as she arrived back at camp, having toured the world once again. She'd ran through the Equator most of the time, right through the scorching sun in Sahara, and she was feeling extremely dehydrated. Aizawa, upon noticing her condition, told her to go drink water and then run again.

Picking her bottle up, she turned around and looked around. She noticed Bakugo looking at her as he dunked his arms in the boiling hot water. Y/n gave him a smile and Bakugo chuckled, sporting a smirk before raising his arms up and let out a yell, massive explosions errupting from his palms.

Y/n scoffed and shook her head, her smile never falthering. Show off.

''Most importantly, everyone, tonight . . .'' Pixie-Bob spoke and everyone turned towards her. ''We'll have a test of courage with the classes pitted against each other! After training hard, you can play hard! The carrot and the stick!''

Putting her bottle back on the ground, Y/n sighed. She really wasn't up to go in the dark forest and wait to be scared by Class B, but it wasn't like she had a choice anyway.

''So, do your best right now!''


speedy | bakugo katsuki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now