Blob Meet And Greet

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Foxete's POV:

"So after I told you not to let the blob in, you let the blob in." I sigh.
"Yep." Bonnie nods.
"I have a name you know." The tiny blob frowns.
"Well what's your name?" I ask, throwing a sideways glance at Bonnie.
"I'm calling you Toby." Bonnie says, ignoring me.
"My name is GlubGlub, but I like Toby." They say.
"Bonnie you can't just ignore peoples names and give them new ones." I respond, shaking my head.
"I.. well.... They like it!" Bonnie retorts.
"So you speak English?" I ask... GlubGlub.
"I learned it as the blue one was singing." The slime smiles. Then he starts to sing, "And I say heyyy ayyy ayyy ay ay-"
Bonnie interrupts, "No no, shut up. Shut up."
"Oh I'm sorry. I have disrespected your religion." The slime looks down with its... eyes?
"It's not really... a religion?" Bonnie sighs.
"I have disrespected your culture. I am sorry." GlubGlub frowns.
"It's... alright." Bonnie looks at me for help.
"Oh don't look to me man. Your issue not mine." I smirk.
"Wha-" Bonnie gives me a blank stare.
"Uh, bye." I walk out of the room.
        It looks like Jell-o. No, no worse. It leaves slime wherever it goes! The mess it will make! I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, still no food. I shut it again. Let's hope we don't ever run into people. They won't be too happy to join our crew anyways. No food, no privacy, and a no medical help. Sounds great. I just sit down on the couch next to our pool table with no sticks.

We'll be out of here in a few weeks. Just you wait.

Not Long After

Foxete's POV:

"Bonnie what in the name of Davis are you doing?" I ask as my friend fiddles with controls.
"Going to a planet of slime." He grunts.
"Pardon me, what?" I ask, visibly confused.
"A. Slime. Planet." He says, not looking up.
"We're here!" GlubGlub announces.
Do I get a say in this?
"Hold up. Bonnie, we're going to the whole planet of someone we met a few hours ago. Stranger danger?" I scoff.
"But he wants to see my home!" GlubGlub.... smiles. Do they have a creeper plushie-? Eh, whatever. I look out the window. The planet is perfectly cut into 4 segments. Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow
"It's so... perfect?" I observe.
"It's awesome!!" Bonnie says in awe. Of course he'd say that.
"Okay, just tell me when we land." I sigh and text Freddy.


Bonnie is going to get us killed. We're going to a random 'slime' planet.: You

Fazbear: Yeah, that sounds like him.

Bonnie's POV:

I can't believe it! A new planet! It's amazin'! Fox and I found a new... friend... and a new planet! This is incredible! I think I'll be able to create a whole crew!

Foxete's POV:

        We finally crash... I mean land... an hour later. Bonnie had rushed us all to the jail cell so that we wouldn't die due to the fact that he didn't add seatbelts. I stand up once we land, but Bonnie is shaking in the corner like a sniveling coward.
"H-Have we l-landed yet?" He shakes.
"Yes." GlubGlub and I say bluntly.
"Oh... we'll I'm just scared." Bonnie looks up at me and I desperately try not to laugh at his cowardice.
"Alright, up you get you big baby." I stand up and walk out of the ship.
"Woah." Was all I could manage. It was just green. Lots of big and little versions of GlubGlub hopped around. I notice a village, we begin to walk towards it. GlubGlub runs? Glides? Hops? Shimmies? Whatever they go over to a bigger version of themself.
"Hey BlubBlub!" They say.
"Hey GlubGlub." He says slowly, like that sloth from Zootopia. They start talking but I wander off to the big hut.
"KEVIN! I TOLD YOU SPACE TACO BELL!" A humongous slime says.
"Oh my god what the hell are you..." I mutter as my mouth hangs agape for a moment.
"Sorry, your highness." The slime named Kevin says. He, uh, glides, over to me.
"AH! INTRUDER!" He yells, noticing me.
I just stare, "aH iNtRuDeR." I mock him.
"WHERE IS THE INTRUDER KEVIN." The big slime asks.
"In front of you!" He yells.
"Gods, I guess all you slimes are like this." I say laughing. I walk over to the "king". He's huge. No, no. That's an understatement. He is the size of our ship.
"What? Do you need something your highness." I ask sarcastically.
"YOU DO NOT SPEAK TO ME THIS WAY." The "king" bellows angrily. I see Bonnie walking over.
This will be fun.
He runs over with GlubGlub following.
"OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT." Bonnie says backing up.
"DID YOU BRING ME MY TACOS???" The "king" yells.
"No I did not?" GlubGlub says.
"You are a failure to me." The "king" says. I cough to hide my laughter.
"SHES MOCKING ME!" The "king" says.
"I am not mocking him." I turn my nose up. Believe me, my mocking is worse.
"Ok?" Bonnie says.
"WAIT. DIDN'T I SHOOT YOU OUT OF A CANNON?" The king says to Toby.
"Why are you screaming?" I sigh, "Wait, I'm sorry, shot out of a cannon?"
"Yes sir." Kevin says, ignoring me.
"OH." The king says, "It will be eaten. Come here, child."
"NO!" Glub Glub says running behind Bonnie.
What in the name of everything is going on. I'm not the only one confused, right?
"Is that how you got so large???" Bonnie asked panicked.
"Yes. That's how we have children too!" Kevin says. I completely loose it. I can't control my laughter.
"That's how you have children?!?" I wheeze. They absorb each each other to have babies?! Oh gods!
"I smell new." The king says.
"There's nobody here other than the people you've been talking to for 10 minutes." I roll my eyes.
"What's a minute?" The king stares blankly. This king is incredibly stupid.
"Ah." Bonnie says running behind me.
"Go over or he's gonna eat me!" GlubGlub says.
I groan and push Bonnie in front of me, "You're made of metal! You're fine." I laugh.
"I can smell the southern accent." The king says.
"Fine." Bonnie says walking up the King.
"Hello child." The king says.
"Uh I'm not a child exactly-" Bonnie protests.
"Hello... Adult." The king says.
"Good enough." Bonnie says.
"How are you doing." The king says creepily.
"Doing.... Great." Bonnie says looking at me. I'm fighting my laughter.
"Oh that's great. That's amazing." The king says, "Your holding a fugitive."
"You banished me to space?" Toby says.
"A FUGITIVE!" The king yells, "Hey Kevin?"
"Yes sir?" Kevin responds.
"Is this the one?" He asks.
"Yes sir." Kevin says.
"SEND THEM TO SPACE JAIL." The king bellows.
"I WILL BURN YOU!" Bonnie yells as Kevin slowly crawls over to him and tries to catch him, but my man was booking it. Go Bonnie Go!
"What was my crime though-" Toby asks.
"YOUR ANNOYING." The king yells.
"Ow." GlubGlub responds.
"That's not very nice." Kevin says.
"I'm not nice. I absorb people." The king says, "I am the GOD to these people. You WILL  respect ME."
"I can see why you tried to killl him Toby." I say.
"Are you sent to kill me?" The king asks.
Me and Bonnie respond at the same time.
I say "yes."
He says, "no?" I really thought I could get away with that, continuing.
"I bet you like Kevin. No one likes Kevin." The king says.
"It's sad cause it's trueeeee." Kevin cries.
"I sorta like you Kevin! Your a nice, uh, slimy thing?" Bonnie says, "how about you don't arrest us?" I just look between Kevin and Bonnie.
"If you don't arrest them I will kill you, your friends, and your relatives." King slime says.
"WHAT." Kevin says.
"Damn." I snicker.
"wait wouldn't that kill everyone here?" Bonnie asks
"I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" The big slime bellows.
"YOUR AN AWFUL KING." Bonnie screams back.
Here we go.
"I TRIED TO DEFEND MY FAMILY!" GlubGlub says. How touching.
"I will eat them." The king says, "KEVIN TAKE THEM TO THE JAIL."
So now we're being taken to "space jail."
"Wait! Name a slime rule." Bonnie says.
"Don't walk backwards." The king says.
Bonnie begins to walk backwards and falls into a giant hole.
"Idiot." I groan.
"I can just climb out?" Bonnie asks. He climbs out of the hole.
"ANOTHER RULE BROKEN. 4 DAYS." The king yells.
"Maybe just a warning?" GlubGlub asks.
"Fine. Half a day in jail." The king pouts.
"You do well under pressure man." I smirk.
"Thank you!" The king... grins?
"Take it!" Bonnie whispers to GlubGlub.
"Your the one making it worse for everyone." Kevin states.
"Do you want us to have more days in jail?" Bonnie asks.
"It has no effect on me!" Kevin says.
"Oh really?" Bonnie smirks, "I'll make it affect you."
This is getting good. Bonnie vs the Slimes.
"What?" Kevin asks.
"KEVIN SAYS YOUR UGLY." Bonnie yells.
"He's not wrong." I whisper to GlubGlub.
"WHAT!" Kevin yells.
"TAKE THEM TO THE JAIL!" The king yells.
Kevin walks us to the jail.

Well then, today has been an experience hasn't it.

(1595 Words)

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