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Foxete's POV:

I go upstairs.
"We're here?" Foxy says confused.
"What?" I say.
The ship jolts.
My radio goes off, "state your name and your business." I run downstairs to Illoha and hand her the radio. "Hello? Name and business or I will blast you out of the galaxy!" The mans voice says.
"Ah! No! It's Illoha! Illoha Shayma!" Illoha says quickly through the phone, "My business is to speak with my father!"
"Ha! Sure. We get people every week pretending to be the heir!" He laughs.
Illoha groans, "Beema is dead. I need assistance. I have the galaxy sword too." She says with a saddened look on her face.
"Oh." He says bluntly, "We're letting you in right away." The voice says before hanging up.
Illoha looks embarrassed, "Yeah, I'm guessing it was a head guard."
"I'm friends with royalty!" I joke, "Shall I kneel before you?" I say bowing.
She laughs and groans, "Your such a dork!"
    I smile. Suddenly, the ship jolts and makes a screeching noise. The ship starts speaking, "Commencing standard animatronic check." The female computer voice says.
"Ah." I say looking upstairs to Bonnie and Foxy, "This isn't gonna be fun."
    Within 5 minutes we had everyone in the jail, the safest place, preparing for a really bad landing. The ship was shaking. Acron had brought his cow in. Keori was holding onto Foxy, Acron was holding onto Mr Fluffers, Toby was holding onto Bonnie, and Illoha and I were sitting in the corner calmly. Suddenly the ship hit a bump and we all were thrown toward. Ironically Illoha was thrown onto me. She was now griping onto my arm as we sat up. Acron looked over at me with a smug face.
I'm gonna kill him.
Illoha is gripping onto me so tightly that I am loosing circulation in my arm, but honestly I'm too flustered to even care.
Why am I like this.

We land, finally.
"Uh, Princess? You can let go now?" I say awkwardly.
"Oh! Uh yeah, sorry! Didn't even realize I was doing that!" She laughs nervously.
"Oh my god you two are adorable." Acorn laughs.
"What?!" I say giving him a death stare.
"I mean!" He coughs, "I didn't say anything!"
Illoha and I get up and exit the prison. The back door is open and we see a woman with 25 guards behind her. Bonnie hides behind a wall while Acron, Toby, Illoha, and I go out. Apparently Foxy was still with Keori.
"Illoha Shayma?" The Woman says.
"General." Illoha addresses her.
"You we're not lying when you said you weren't with Beema." The general says frowning, "I'm sorry. She was a good soldier."
"Yes. Listen General. We need help." Illoha says letting out a big sigh.
"Talk about it with your father. Bring the hybrid with you." The General says, "We scanned 2 Animatronics on your ship. Bring them out, now."
Bonnie looks at me from behind the wall.
I look at Illoha.
"Bonnie come here." Illoha says.
Bonnie's ears go down and he slowly steps toward us.
All the guns get raised and Illoha steps in-front of him, "I vouch for his liability." She says, "If he does anything wrong it's on me."
I smile. I don't think she'll know how thankful I am for that.
"Alright, but we saw two animatronics." She sighs.
"Foxy is in the back with an injured kid." Acron says, "He means no harm, I assure you."
"You would vouch for him?" The General asks.
"If that means he won't die, then yes." Acron sighs.
"Ok. For safety reasons I'm going to have to ask the animatronics to step into the cage." The General says seriously.
"W-What?!" Bonnie says looking terrified.
"You also will have to drop your weapons." The woman says.
I drop my gun and dagger in-front of me. Everyone else does the same. She takes them. The General has wavey white hair and grey eyes.
"Good. Now go get Foxy." She demands. An officer steps forward and walks up to me.
"He will go with you." She says. I go to the back, followed by the officer.
I hesitate as I go to the prison.
"So? Where is he." The officer barks at me.
"Through here." I say as I open the door. Foxy is sitting reassuring Keori that she'd be ok.
"Foxy!" The officer yells. Keori and Foxy jump. He looks at me and my ears fall back. He looks terrified, probably not for himself, for the young girl.
"It's ok bud." I say, "Acron vouched for you. They won't hurt you."
"Not me, Keori." He sighs, "She can't walk Fox."
"I'll help her, don't worry." I smile.
The guard scoffs and nudges me forward.
You nudge me again, we'll have issues my guy." I chuckle menacingly.
He nudges me.
This little...
I go to punch the lights out of that jerk, but a small voice in the back of my head yells 'That will make everything worse!', so I don't do anything.
Foxy helps Keori up and gives her to me.
"I'll come with you, but don't hurt my friends. They did nothing wrong." Foxy sighs.
Foxy, Keori, and I follow the officer out. Keori is limping as I help her walk. Foxy and Bonnie get put in little cells next to eachother and Foxy says something to Bonnie I can't hear. Next thing I know, Bonnie shut off and so did Foxy.
"You three." The General says pointing at Acron, Illoha, and I, "Follow me."
"What about Toby and Keori?" I ask looking at the slime and small girl.
Keeva sighs, "Captian Cassy, come here." A girl steps forward. She has red hair and dark purple eyes.
"Take Miss Keori to the medical wing. Bring the slime with you." The General says. The Captian takes Keori from me with a smile.
"We'll take good care of you." She reassures her.
Toby, Keori, and the Captian walk away.
3 remain.
"Well? Follow me." The General smiles.

(1005 Words)

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