Am I Crazy or Did I Hit My Head?

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Acron's POV:

I wake up drowsy as all hell.
"Acron?" I hear my idiot of a captain and friend ask, "Acron wake up!"
"Yes?" I groan. I try to open my eyes but my ears are ringing.
"What happened?" I groan out.
"We crashed and you hit a tree." Bonnie sighs, "It's not safe here."
He grabs my and the gas canisters at once and carries all of us to a cave.
"I'm gonna take a nap." I tell Bonnie as my head fills with noise and searing pain.
"No! I sent the crew a text before we landed! You need to fix this! Not sleep." Bonnie panicky handing me a broken signal tuner.
"Alright captain." I laugh.
I take 10 minutes to fix the signal tuner then hand it back to him.
He takes it and calls Foxete.
"Fox?" He asks.
"Bonnie?" The Princess asks through the other end.
"Oh, is her girlfriend on the phone?" I snort.
"Acron has a concussion. He hit a tree, really hard." Bonnie sighs, "Probably some bruised ribs too by the looks of it."
"Noted." Illoha can be heard scribbling.
"Should I wake Foxete up, Illoha?" Arthur asks from the other side of the device.
"No!" She coughs, "I mean, no thank you. She doesn't need to be up any longer."
"She's been stressed?" Bonnie questions.
"Very." She sighs.
"Come get up soon. In the meantime I'll make sure Acron doesn't fall asleep." Bonnie laughs nervously.
"That would be extremely helpful, yes." Illoha laughs from the other end, "Stay in there guys!"
"I sent you the updated coordinates on the planet." Bonnie replies, "See you soon."
"See you Bonnie." Illoha hangs up.
Bonnie turns to me.
"You wanna hear some stories, pal?" He asks.
Sure, why not?

An hour later

Acron's POV:

Did Bonnie bark?
"Woof. Woof. Bark." 2 dogs are saying bark.
"It's like the dragon! No!" Bonnie says in cowardice.
"GET OUT DOGS." I yell.
More come in.
"I'm imagining this 'cause of my concussion, right?" I laugh.
"Nope! I see 'um too!" Bonnie laughs nervously.
"Out dogs! Or I'll shoot ya'!" I yell at them again.
They scatter when I pull my gun out.
"I hate dogs." I cry.
"Why?" Bonnie asks.
"When I was younger, I had a dog. I loved him so much. One day I was playing with him, and he bit me. I yelled at him and told him to scram." I cried tucking my knees to my chest.
"You we're a kid, Acron." Bonnie comforts me.
"Still, That poor dog." I sigh.
Oh Illoha come quickly please.

(440 Words)

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