Old Friends

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Foxete's POV:

I wake up with my head pounding. I look around. I'm in a cell, obviously. My friends are around me, all except Foxy. That makes sense. If Freddy is the one who attacked us, he would put Foxy away from me, the small hybrid girl who just kicked his elite soldiers asses. I stand up and wince at the pain in my ankle, but I walk to the force field that shuts us in.
"Don't bother. It's electromagnetic." A deep voice sighs.
I look around and see a strange man walk in front of me. He's extremely ugly. He has orange fur and 2 sets of brown horns. He has extremely long ears as well.
"My name is Ardlock." He growls.
"Foxete, not really a pleasure to meet you, but oh well." I scoff.
He smiles grimly, "I'm sorry for what I will do to you."
I'm not." I growl.
"I can tell you're quite hostile." He laughs.
"More hostile than Foxy, captain obvious." I roll my eyes.
"Ooh be careful there, lass. You can't do anything to me." He laughs.
"And you can't step in here without me killing you." I scowl.
"So we're at a stalemate." He smiles crookedly, "Don't make me regret keeping you alive."
With that he leaves. If on que, Bonnie wakes up.
"What's going on?!" He panics.
"Relax." I sigh, "Everyone is fine."
Bonnie frantically wakes everyone else up.
"What do you want, mate?" Acron groans.
"What happened?" Illoha yawns.
"Where are we?!" GlubGlub yells.
"What's going on?" Keeva asks.
"Where's Foxy?!" Keori panics.
I sigh deeply, "We were captured, we're aboard a ship with a captain named Ardlock. We are trapped, no way out. Foxy isn't in here."
Everyone falls silent.
Finally, Keori speaks, "So what do we do?"
She's asking me?
They're all look at me?
I'm the leader now.
"Acron do you know Ardlock?" I ask my friend.
"Yeah, we're old buddies." He scoffs.
"Great." I sigh, "What can we expect?"
"A traitorous mutt." Acron closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.
"Great contribution." I roll my eyes.
"Illoha, do you have the sword?" I ask her.
What a stupid question! Of course she doesn't! I don't have any of my weapons or armor, so why would she have the Galaxy sword!?
"Uh, no." She laughs nervously.
"Yeah, yeah. Stupid question." I sigh.
"Princess, please check up on Acron." I sigh.
I sit down, eliminating the pain from my left foot. Keori is lightly crying from the corner.
"Hey, it's okay!" I reassure her.
"No! It's not! If I just fixed the ship quicker we wouldn't have gotten captured!" She cries.
"No, we would've no matter what. We stole fuel from pirates that work with Freddy." I sigh.
"We we're screwed from the start." Keeva agrees.
We just sit in silence. We all know that this was inevitable.
"I have them here." I hear Ardlock say.
Silence follows.
"Yes. They are all awake." He continues.
The other speaker must be on a walkie or signal tuner.
"Yes here you go, sir." He says walking in front of us. He puts the speaker on the line
"Hello there!" I hear a loud, menacing, gravely voice greet us.
I can recognize that voice anywhere.
"Please don't kill me!" GlubGlub cries. He lost his suit when Davis took control and blew up our ship.
"Who is that?!" Freddy laughs.
"A small slime." Ardlock chuckles.
"They are first!" Freddy yells.
GlubGlub screams and cries, getting slime everywhere.
"You won't be getting him." I butt in, "Or any of us for that matter."
"Ooh, hello there Foxete." He laughs.
"Hello, old friend." I roll my eyes.
"Still have your confidence? Good. I'll love to break it!" He sneers.
"Ha! Like you'll get the chance." I snap back.
"Well, I'll be going now...." He hesitates at Ardlocks name, "Bill, I'm gonna call you Bill."
"Goodbye, sir." Bill, I mean, Ardlock sighs.
The line clicks.
"Do you have no respect?!" Acron yells.
"I'm not the one who abandoned his friends, his family!" Ardlock snapped back.
"You were killing innocents!" Acron threw his hands up.
The drugs apparently have worn off.
"Come on and fight me then." He opens the door.
I can escape.
He quickly pulls a gun out, as almost if he read my mind and pointed it at Acron, "Let's go, pal."
"I'll be fine everyone." Acron sighs.
The two walk away.
And those words right there, are famous last words.

Bonnie's POV:

I watch as the ugly goat man, Ardlock, takes my friend away. Fox's fists are curled into balls and I sigh. More of a fake sigh I suppose. I can't really breathe.
"Hello?!" I hear a high pitched, chirpy, voice from the other wall.
"Foxy?!" Keori jumps up.
"Keori? Are you okay? Where are the others?" Foxy sounds relived.
"They're here with me." She grins.
"Okay! I'll try and escape! Stay strong, okay?" He reassures her.
"Alright!" Her grin shrinks into a small smile.
"What if we shove Toby under the door?" Fox asks looking at the small crack under the door.
"I can try!" GlubGlub says triumphantly.
Illoha grabs Toby and shoves him under the door. From the grunting from Toby, I can assume it hurts. It's better than getting killed by Freddy, right? GlubGlub opens the door and I leave. Toby goes back in and I take the leaver off of the door.
"I'm gonna go find Acron. I'll give Illoha the key in case you need to escape!" I say as I shimmy the key under the door slot.
Once Illoha has the key, I begin walking down the hallway.
Time to save my friend.

Foxete's POV:

    I sit against the wall bored as anything. Keeva stole my best friend by talking about Yizels and stuff. Apparently that's what Ardlock is. Don't really care though. Foxy and Keori are talking through the wall, and Toby is playing with his creeper plush, BB. Overall, not to fun. I desperately need sleep, but I don't want to sleep on a ship I don't know. Especially if Bonnie needs me. I've been up for days. Four days to be exact. Never slept. Illoha scoots over to me and presses on my ankle, I wince. She looks just as bored as I am, though she looks much more energized than I feel. Illoha puts the back of her hand on my cheek, "You look exhausted." She frowns.
"I am exhausted. "I admit.
"Then sleep." She smiles, "Sleep and I'll watch. I'll make sure no baddies come for us."
"Fine, wake me in an hour?" I ask her.
"Don't have a clock, but I'll do my best!" She laughs.
If I had to be trapped, I'm glad it's with her.

(1131 Words)

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