Settling In

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Illoha's POV:

    I counted the heads of people as I walk by. Only eleven were alive out of the 28. I don't remember all of their names, but I do remember a few.
Lexi, or Fizzy as Bonnie calls her, is apparently Bonnie and Foxete's friend.
Jake, Foxete knows him, Bonnie doesn't.
Damien, a child, no more than 8.
Sketch, I don't know much, they just wear a red mask.
Cakezzz, I don't know much about them, most of these people are really sick.
Demon, same as Cakezzz
Quinny, Lexi says they never wake up unless it is to get food. Interesting.

    Everyone here is extremely dehydrated and starved. I set up IV's for everyone. Lexi refuses to sleep, therefore Jake refuses to sleep. Lovely cycle we have here. Lexi was apparently Freddy's friend, and the only one to remain human. All the others became mindless robots. Unfortunately, if Jake and Lexi refuse to sleep, I will have to drug them, which won't be nice. I would rather not use my medicine on those who can simply just sleep.
"Everything good in here?" Bonnie asks.
"Yeah." I sigh, "Everyone is asleep other than those two." I gesture at Lexi and Jake.
"Soda spiller, Jake from Statefarm." Fox appears out of nowhere, addressing them by nicknames, "Go to sleep!"
"Oh god I haven't heard that one in forever." Lexi smiles.
"If you sleep I'll get you Dr. Pepper." Bonnie... jokes?
"What's Dr. Pepper?" I ask.
"A drink from Earth." Fox explains, "I halfway expected Dr. Pepper to survive since Amazon and Google survived."
"Dr. Pepper didn't, but Coke did." Jake points out.
"No way!" Foxete laughs, quietly.
"Yep." I grin, "Though, it was banned from Keekos."
"What wasn't banned from Keekos?" Fox scoffs.
"Not a lot of fun things." I laugh quietly.
"Great, can I talk to you both?" Bonnie asks.
"Yeah?" Fox looks at me, concerned.
Bonnie exits the room.
"Be back in a minute Fizzy." Fox smiles.
Fox and I exit the room.
As soon as we're outside Bonnie asks, "Do my eyes look different?"
"Yeah, they're a bit shiny." Fox points out, "Did Acron mess with your eyes?"
"No." Bonnie shakes his head, "Haven't been repaired since the old ship blew up."
"I'll fix you later." Fox smiles.
"Great." He sounds worried.
"Your eyes aren't shiny anymore." I look closely at his eyes.
"What?" He asks, panicking.
"Oh, yeah. They're back to normal." Fox tilts her head.
Bonnie's face goes blank.
"What?" Fox asks.
"The other Bonnie can see through my eyes, same as I can see through his." Bonnie looks into the doorway to the extra barracks.
"At least we..." My voice trails off.
"He knows Lexi is here." Fox looks at me, "He knows where we are. We need to go, now!"
"Fox, go get Foxy. Get him to sent us to Envola. He'll know where it is." I drop my voice down.
"Got it. Bonnie, workshop now. I'll wake Acron up." Foxete nods.
"Go team!" Bonnie whispers, trying to lighten the mood.
I really don't want to go to this planet, but it's our only option. They're the only ones who can help.

Lexi's POV:

I wander around the new ship. I have yet to meet all the crew members. Everyone is asleep on my crew. I had to wait a long time for Jake to finally go to sleep before I could leave. I can talk to anyone here except for Illoha, Bonnie, or Foxete. They all think I should be asleep. I just want to know the people I'll be working with. I wander to the main area and I see a workshop. I walk towards the opening and I see the person I despise the most.
"Is that Foxy!?" I gasp loudly.
Foxete and a little alien girl with pink hair turn around and notices me. I think her name is Kerri or something. I see my axe on the table and I grab it holding it in front of me.
"You know, you guys should really tell me when you allow people to walk around." Foxy sighs.
"She's not meant to be out of bed." Fox slowly steps towards me.
"Stay back!" I yell.
"Lexi, calm down." Fox says calmly.
"No!" I scream, "Do you even remember me?!" I address Foxy.
"I'm sorry, but no." Foxy sighs.
"You killed Todd!" I sob.
"I thought you hated Todd?" Fox asks.
"I did, but they sacrificed themselves for me." I point my axe at Foxy, "He would've killed me."
"Ok Lexi, put the axe down, please." Fox begs.
"Why should I?" I scoff.
"You have every reason to kill him, yes." She sighs, "But do you think I'm an idiot? I would've killed Foxy the moment he showed any signs of being a threat."
I lower the axe.
"Thank you." She slightly smiles, "Lexi, follow me. We're going to talk to Illoha."
"She's going to make me sleep, isn't she." I sigh as Foxy as that Kerri girl walk out of the room.
"Most likely, if you can't sleep on your own." She smiles sadly, "Let's go." She walks to the archway and waits for me to follow.
"Fine, let's get this over with." I sigh, following her.
I'm not getting any sleep with that thing on board.

(890 Words)

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