A New Problem

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Foxete's POV:

I watch Illoha pace around the room as I sit on one of the beds. Keeva is on another bed next to me. Bonnie is standing by the medical cabinets.
"So what do we do?" Keeva asks, "With this information?"
"Well, having two galaxy swords isn't the greatest news." Illoha sighs.
"It means there could be more." I add, "We're lucky we found this before they did."
"We don't know if this one is dangerous." Illoha argues.
"The other sword is dangerous." I point out.
"Yes, but the unknown is more dangerous." Keeva agrees with Illoha, "Illoha shouldn't have both."
"I'll take one." I suggest.
"Why you?" Bonnie asks.
"I'm normally close to Illoha who has the other sword, I can also teleport." I explain.
"We shouldn't tell anyone else." Keeva sighs, "But I agree with Foxete, she's the best one for this."
"Alright, Foxete and Illoha will guard the swords." Bonnie confirms.
He hands me the sword. The moment I touch it I felt powerful.
Really powerful.
I must have made a face, because Keeva asks, "Are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm fine. It just made me feel strange." I admit.
"Alright, don't use it, okay?" Bonnie frowns.
"Of course man." I nod.
I attach the sword to my belt. I'll make a sword holster later. Bonnie and Keeva leave, and I check around before I close the door and head back into the med-bay.
"Hey Princess, could we talk?" I ask.
"Sure." She smiles, "Hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna reorganize my cabinets while we talk."
"I don't mind." I reassure her, "I just needed to talk to you about Dex and Foxy."
She turns around to face me, "What happened?"
"Apparently, Dex purposely made Keori cry to get a reaction out of Foxy." I roll my eyes.
"Unfortunately, I'd believe it." She frowns, "That seems like something he'd do."
"Also, that planet we wanted to go to? Dex was imprisoned there for a bit." I stand up.
"Why?" Illoha sighs.
"For nearly killing Foxy." I state bluntly, "Foxy can't be left alone with Dex, ever."
"Yeah that would be smart!" She exclaims, "Someone has to keep an eye on Dex."
"Maybe Kat?" I suggest.
"Maybe, she checks the cameras regularly anyways." Illoha nods.
Suddenly, a loud boom comes from the basement.
The cannon.

(390 Words)

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