Have A Heart

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Foxete's POV:

    I walk into the control room to talk to Kat. I want to get more information on Amona, and if she was Freddy's AI she has to have some information. When I reach the cameras where she sits I notice she's crying. However, she's like Bonnie, no tears, just crying.
"Kat?" I ask, "Are you alright?"
She looks up, "You know that Yizel on the ship?" She asks.
"Uh yeah, Dex?" I frown.
What did that jerk do to her?
"You remember Davis?" She sniffs.
"Of course." I sigh, feeling a pang of guilt. Nobody's told her about him yet.
"He used to be on Freddy's ship with me. We kept each other company. He was the one thing keeping me sane. We were prisoners, but we had each other. That was until a few years ago." She explains, "When Dex took Davis from me. He took Davis in a group of Evons and Yizels. He took him from me. He grabbed Davis and stared me in the eyes. I would know him anywhere. He destroyed my life."
"Did he come up here?" I ask, "He knew you were here."
"He did come up here." Kat scoffs, "Wanna know what he said?"
"I'd love to." I sit down next to her.
"Hey there, my names Dex. You remember me?" She frowns, "I hesitated to say anything, but he continued, I assumed you would know me since I took your boyfriend." She scowls.
I stand up.
"Keekos is destroyed." Kat sighs, "When you were there, did you see Davis?"
I promised Bonnie I wouldn't tell her.
"No, sorry. I haven't seen Davis." I frown, "I wish I did."
She stands up, "It's alright. I'm going to go charge. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I smile slightly.
She leaves to go to the charging station.
I need to talk to Dex.

Dex's POV:

I limp my way down the hallway.
"Illoha!" I call out. That stupid AI!
No response.
"Illoha!" I call louder.
I wheeze as I get into the med-bay.
"Illoha. Help." I call out hoarsely as I fall onto one of the beds.
Illoha rushes over, "Oh my actual god! What happened?!"
"That A.I. girl might've broken one of my ribs." I cough.
"Why?!" She helps me sit down, "How much pain are you in 1 being the least, 10 being the worst."
"I'd say a 7." I grimace.
"Cakezz? Could you get some painkillers?" Illoha asks her assistant.
"Sure, third drawer, right?" Cakezz asks.
"Yes." Illoha nods.
Cakezz walks over with a syringe.
"What made her punch you?" Illoha asks. As Foxete barges in.
"Is Dex in here!?" She scowls.
Illoha hesitates with the painkillers, "Yes he is."
She marches over, "Want to explain to me why you went up to Kat and boasted about kidnapping her boyfriend?!"
I stay silent.
"Silence is not what I'm looking for!" She snaps.
"I wanted to test her emotions." I shrug.
"What is wrong with you!?" She scoffs, "Do you even have heart?!"
"Not for robots." I smirk.
She slaps me. Not too hard, but definitely not light.
"Foxete!" Illoha puts down the syringe, grabs her arm, and drags her to the side.

Foxete's POV:

Illoha drags me outside the med-bay after I slapped Dex. I barely touched him!
"Why would you slap him?" Illoha sighs, not letting go of my wrist.
"I don't know." I sigh, "I was tired of his crap."
"Slapping him? Kat already punched him!" She snaps, dropping her voice to a whisper.
"I didn't know that." I bow my head, "I've just been tired of him. He's been harassing everyone."
"No excuse." She sighs, "Listen, I love you, but you need to get your anger under control, okay?"
I nod, "Do you want me to apologize?"
"Only if you want to, but I don't think it's necessary. He learned his lesson for messing with your friends." She smiles.
"Alright, Princess." I return the smile, "I'll be in the workshop if you need anything."
She goes back into the med-bay.
I still don't trust him.

(680 Words)

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