Calm Before The Storm

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Illoha's POV:

    Things have been going well the past few days. Despite Dex being shot, he is healing well. Malra is eating purely salads and won't touch anything that has to do with meat. It's sad, she is severely malnourished and weak. Almost weaker than Dex. I look around my med-bay. My girlfriend, Foxete, is lying down with her head on my lap as I watch over my sleeping patients.
I look down at her.
'She looks adorable when focused' I read Foxete's thoughts.
I blush and she snickers, "Don't just randomly read my thoughts, Princess!" She whispers.
"Oh shush!" I scoff, covering her face with my hands.
She just removes my hands and sits up. She drops my hands and rests her head on my shoulder.
'I want to kiss her.' Foxete's thoughts read.
So, naturally, I kiss her.
"You need to stop reading my thoughts." She whines.
"But that's no fun." I joke, playing with her hair.
She rolls her eyes and rests her head back on my shoulder.
This is perfect.

Foxy's POV:

    I sit in the workshop as Keori goes over my coding. She wants to make sure that Bonnie and I have protection over Freddy's mind-control and mind-wiping I case we get captured. She's been doing better than a month ago. She still misses Acron and I think she always will, but she ain't always crying, so it's been better. She's become friends with Ophelia which has been good. I'm happy for her. She only used to hang out with me and maybe Foxete, but she's started being friends with some of the others like Cakezz and Nova. It's nice. Lexi's crew doesn't seem to hate me as much, they more so tolerate me. I don't think any of them will ever fully forgive me, but I'll take them tolerating me.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Keori asks.
"The events of the past month." I smile.
"Like Dex getting beat up?" Keori giggles.
"That's a big one, yeah." I shake my head.
"How many times has he been beaten up since joining this crew?" Keori laughs.
"Three times from Foxete, once from Arie, twice from Keeva, once from Nova, once from Illoha, but that was 'medical', once from Kat, once from the pink haired boy, and once from Bonnie." I list.
"That's 11 times in two months." Keori gasps.
"11 times?!" Keori covers her mouth.
"He has serious issues with women." Foxete laughs, entering the workshop.
"And you have serious anger issues." Keori smirks.
"Okay, listen, he wouldn't stop flirting with me! Then he flirted with Illoha-" She stops abruptly. Her face turns red. Is she sick?
"Why do you care about him flirting with Illoha?" Keori raises her eyebrows.
Fox blushes a bit, "Because she's my best friend, moron." She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, sure." I laugh.
"Oh yeah? Did you know that Dex flirted with Keori?" Foxete asks, changing the subject.
"I'm sorry?" I snap my head towards Keori.
"Wait, that was flirting?!" Keori laughs, "He's 26?!"
"You're 16!" I exclaim, "Absolutely not! He's about to get beaten up a twelfth time!"
"Wait, you're 16?! Since when?" Fox gasps.
"I tuned 16 a few days ago." Keori admits.
"You didn't tell anyone!" Fox pouts, "Now I need to get you your gift!"
"No! That's the reason I didn't tell anyone. You all were stressed over Dex and Bonnie!" Keori sighs.
"Well, we aren't stressed now. I'm going to-" Foxete turns around, but Otso appears, and shoves a box in her hand.
"You left this at my house. It was for Keori's birthday." Otso sighs.
"So you did have a gift?" I laugh.
"I did, but I needed to get it." Fox hands Keori the small box, "Happy 16th birthday Keori."
She opens it and it has a tiny pink gemstone in the middle of a silver star.
Keori just smiles and stares at it.
"Do you like it?" Foxete asks, "It's a pink sapphire."
"I love it!" Keori exclaims.
"It matches your eyes and hair." I state.
"Exactly why I got it." Fox smiles.
Keori hugs her, "Thank you!"
"I also got it because it matches mine as well." Foxete reveals her own necklace that looks identical only the stone is a ruby and not a pink sapphire.
"I love it!" Keori grins bigger.
I'm glad that I left Freddy's crew.

(735 Words)

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