A Talk with the Princess

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Foxete's POV:

I walk downstairs to see Illoha leaving Jab's prison.
"Hey Princess!" I say happily, "I was hoping to talk to you."
She stops and stands across from me, "Yeah?"
I nod, "I was wondering, why do your crew members not like hybrids?"
"It's a stupid reason." She sighs, "Like 10 years ago there was this big war between Keekos and Animalas, My planet and the main planet for hybrid people."
"Oh." I say.
"Yeah, Hybrids and Evons always fought, but this was bad. The deal was if Hybrids lost then they became... "slaves" to the Evons."Illoha says.
"Slaves?" I say raising my eyebrows.
"Well, yes. But if Evons lost then they became "slaves" to hybrids." Illoha says sadly.
"I'm guessing hybrids lost." I sigh.
"You got it." Illoha says through gritted teeth.
"You didn't seem to fond of me at first." I laugh.
"Yeah, we'll I've never really met a hybrid before, nor one that was nice to me because of my-" she hesitates, "-status."
"Oh?" I say intrigued, "And what would that be?"
"You'll find out soon enough." She says.
I must of looked annoyed because she laughed. I smile.
I'm glad to have her here.
"So, why is the galaxy sword so important?" I ask.
"It's the most powerful weapon in the universe. My mother died by the galaxy sword." Illoha sighs.
"I'm sorry for your loss." I frown, "I lost my family too, I know how it feels."
"Glad to know I have someone here that understands." She smiles.
Soon, however, that smile fades when she sees Bonnie. She grabs my hand and brings me upstairs. We go into the kitchen.
"Move stupid cow." She says as she pushes Mr. Fluffers out of the way.
She lets go of me and sits, "Sorry, I really didn't want to talk to Bonnie right now."
"I get it." I say as I sit beside her.
"I know he did what he thought was right, but it cost me everything." She sighs.
"I know." I say sadly, Beema really was her everything then.
"You and Beema seemed close, I'm really sorry." I look at my feet.
"Yeah." She laughs sadly, "I loved her so much."
Loved? In what way?
"You're  confused?" She says looking at me.
"Not really." I smile, "Not about you loving her."
"Oh." She says surprised, "People react a lot differently when I tell them I'm gay." She laughs.
"Wait, what-" I look up confused, "I mean I'm not judging you, but I didn't think it was that way-" I laugh nervously.
"Really?" She laughs.
"I look like a moron right now." I tuck my head into my knees, "I'm sorry, I reacted weirdly."
Illoha keeps laughing.
Suddenly I hear Acron yell, "The hell??"
Illoha and I get up and go outside of the kitchen, "What?" We say in unison.
"It's an S.O.S!" Foxy chimes in, "It's right outside!"

(490 Words)

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