Can't Take Him Anywhere

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Foxete's POV:

Acron and I are camped by the portal when I hear Illoha radio me. She had already texted me that she landed safely, maybe it was to tell us to go through the portal?
"Hey, uh, Bonnie's been captured." She says instead.
"I'm sorry, what?!" I laugh, "It's been less than 30 minutes since you landed!"
"Called it!" Acron adds.
"Yeah, so I'm gonna talk to the commander, then get back to you." She sighs, "Talk to you soon."
She disconnects.
"Ya' can't take him anywhere." Acron chuckles.

20 minutes later

Foxete's POV:

So, we got teleported down to the planet by a lovely lady named Josie. I met up with Illoha so we could go buy food while Acron went with Bonnie to the commanders office. We got some of Illoha's dragon fruit and tons of canned soup and vegetables. About 20 or so minutes later Acron calls us back to the military HQ, where the commanders office is, and tells us the deal. We help them with their "hellspawn" problem, they debate if we're worth their time.
I don't know, sounds a but unfair.
    Acron buys metals and supplies from the armor shop. Sadly, he didn't allow me to go with him. As Illoha and I walk along the shops birthdays become a discussion.
"I never asked, when's your birthday?" Illoha asks.
"Where I'm from, 2 days, for you guys I say a few months." I laugh.
"Where are you going by?" She asks.
"Where I'm from." I smile, "Freddy from my world is throwing me birthday party." I drop my voice lower.
"Really? That sounds fun." She smiles, "Am I invited?"
"If you want to come I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I laugh, "He loves people. I've told him tons of stories about you."
"Really? Hopefully only the good ones." She smiles.
"Of course!" I roll my eyes.
"Fox?" My signal tuner goes off. It's Bonnie.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Get off the planet, now!" Bonnie demands.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"Acron already went up, take Illoha and leave!" He hisses.
"Bonnie what's going on?" Illoha asks.
"The other Bonnie looked through my eyes. He saw we were here." Bonnie panics.
I look at Illoha. We don't need to have telepathy to understand each other.
Freddy is coming.

10 minutes later

I walk with Illoha to the teleporter to see if Bonnie came through. Instead, I'm greeted by a Yizel.
"Oh, hi! Name's Dex." He smirks.
"Uh, who the hell are you?" I ask.
"Just said it, Dex." He blinks.
Illoha stands next to me, "You we're the one who shot at Bonnie and I."
"Oh, uh, yeah. Mighty sorry about that." Dex apologizes, he bows when he speaks. He sounds like he has a Scottish and Russian accent blended together.
"Oh, great, your here." Acron sighs, "Fox, Illoha, follow us, we're making a bomb to kill those hellspawns."
We follow Acron and Dex to the workshop.
"Alright, Illoha, I want you and Dex to start working on a poison. Foxete and Keori will work on the bomb." Acron instructs.
"Uh, not to be rude, but I'm a explosives expert." He chuckles, "I mean no disrespect ladies, but you know."
I stare right into his goat-like eyes.
"For your information Dex." I cross my arms, "I'm an explosives expert, weapons expert, and a technician."
"Well then. We'll get along fine." He winks.
I look at Acron and he smiles falsely, warning me not to do anything.
"I guess we will." I grit my teeth into the most real looking smile I can muster.
"Fabulous, now, we can go work on that poison!" Dex smiles, "Where's you med-bay?"
The two walk off.
I walk over to Acron, "If he flirts with her, he won't last a day on this ship." I whisper.
"Yeah, yeah." He sighs, "Don't blame you, that guys strange."
I sigh, "You're not going to help?"
"Nope. This is a you and Keori job." Acron smiles, "I'm going to work on getting Bonnie back up here."
"You're not going down, are you?" I drop my wrench on the table.
"Not yet." Acron grits his teeth.
"Good, don't go without me." I sigh, "Come on Keori, let's start on this."
Acron walks out of the room leaving only Keori and I to work.
Where are you Bonnie?

(730 Words)

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