Funtime's Games

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Bonnie's POV:

I wake up in a dark, rectangular, small room. There's a door to my left and a man to my right. I stand up and examine the others.
A snake-like man with tan scales.
A Yizel woman.
My cellmate from a bit ago, Liz, who is a green lizard.
I frantically wake him up. I notice a red collar around his neck, nothing to worry about now.
"Acron?" I whisper, shaking him.
"What?" He groans.
When he opens his eyes and sees me his face goes blank.
"Bonnie?" He whispers, "You're alive!?"
"Yeah! What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I got trapped by Funtime Freddy." he says groggily.
"Okay, get up." I hold out my hand.
He takes it and stands up.
"What day is it?" He asks, his eyes go wide.
I sigh, "It's Foxete's birthday."
"No!" He looks around, "I told her I'd bring you home!"
"We'll go home." I look at the others, "We should wake them up."
"No point." Acron laugh sadly, "We're as good as dead."
"Why's that?" I panic.
"We're on the Funtime Gameshow." He sighs.

Dex's POV:

They didn't tell me that my planet was being destroyed!
    I bust into the upstairs control room where I was told Foxete was. Suddenly, my rage subsides. I see her in the widow gazing out with her ears tucked.
"Foxete?" I ask.
"What?" She sighs, not turning around.
"First, the bombs are done. Second, are you alright? Third, why didn't you tell me my planet was being destroyed?" I walk towards her.
"Great. When your commander clears us we'll send you in." She pulls out her signal tuner, "I'm fine, and we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to freak out. We couldn't send you in anyways, Acron and Bonnie are missing down on your planet."
"I should be fighting for my planet!" I yell.
"And I should be with Acron looking for Bonnie, but guess what? Life isn't fair!" She hisses.
I stay silent.
She's upset. It's impossible to argue with a upset woman.
"I'll leave you alone then." I sigh.
"Please do!" She snaps.

Acron's POV:

Everyone wakes up. We're all just sitting awkwardly in our doom room.
This is one big tree.
The collar around my neck is designed to never come off. I could only hope a genius mind like William Afton's could get it off. He's the whole reason this started after all. I accept my defeat, but I don't accept Bonnie's. If I could get Bonnie to survive this, then detach his head from his body I could be able to take the collar off, but I would probably die. It doesn't matter, I'm going to die either way.
I'm sorry Foxete.
"Well, hello there!" I hear Funtime Freddy announce through the PA system.
"Here we go." The snakelike man grunts.
"I don't want to go..." The Yizel woman sobs.
The doors open and Bonnie walks out first.
There's a singular chair in the middle of the room.
"Now, this was a very popular game on Earth, musical chairs!" Funtime laughs maniacally, "When I start the music, walk around the chairs, when the music stops, one of you sits in the chair. Simple? The last one not sitting... dies!"
Bonnie looks horrified.
He walks over to me, "Did you look around for loose bolts or screws?" He asks.
"No, I'll do that." I sigh.
As Funtime starts the music, I look around the room for anything useful.
The music stops. The snake man sits in the chair instantly.
"No chance I'm dying." He laughs, standing up and going to sit by the door.
Mental note not to trust him.
The music starts again. I join Bonnie and walk around.
"What do we do?" He whispers.
"Play the game." I wait for the music to stop.
"Ding ding ding!" Funtime laughs.
The Yizel woman sits down after hesitating a bit.
"I'm sorry! I have children! I can't loose them." She sobs as she gets up and sits next to the door.
"Nobody blames you." I smile.
The music begins again. The lizard person, Liz, sits down on the floor.
"Come on Liz, stand up." Bonnie frowns.
"Too tired." They sigh.
"Please?" Bonnie asks.
"Sorry, my legs are too tired. You can live though." They smile.
Bonnie walks over to me as the music ends.
"Sit in the chair Bonnie." I demand.
"I don't think I will." He stands behind me.
"Damn chair, now." I snap.
"Not a chance. Sit in the chair, Acron!" He walks towards me.
He is the most... stubborn... annoying... imbecile...
"Fine." I give in and sit.
I stand up and don't take my eyes off Bonnie as I sit next to the door.
Sit on the chair you idiot.
Music starts.
I can see him trying to coax Liz to sit in the chair.
"Chop, chop Bonnie!" Funtime giggles, "If someone doesn't sit, you all die!"
Bonnie gave Liz one last look and sat in the chair.
Funtime instantly killed Liz.
Bonnie gets up and stares at their decapitated body.
"I'm... so, so sorry..." his voice quivers.
I grab Bonnies arm and lead his back to the room, "It's alright, bud."
Bonnie goes and sits by the door.
What in gods name do we do?

The Protectors; Book 1 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz