We live?

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Foxete's POV:

    I open my eyes to a white ceiling. I sit up so fast my head starts spinning, "What?! Where-" my voice trails off as I steady myself. I see 2 figures. Kreko and Keeva.
"You." I say with pure anger.
"Hello. You can thank me for saving your life." Kreko smiles.
    I look next to me. Foxy and Bonnie on the left and Acron, Illoha, and Toby on the right. They're all safe?
"What happened?" I ask him.
"Oh! I made it look like I executed you so Freddy would be off your tail, literally." He smiles.
"Woah so what happened to the whole stick-up-your-butt manor thing?" I ask confused.
"Excuse me?" Keeva chimes in.
Kreko sighs and says, "I'm not a bad father. I just wanted to protect my daughter."
"You rhymed there." I snicker,
"You really are annoying aren't you?" He sighs.
"Keeva, wake the animatronics up." He says going back to his "governor" voice.

Bonnie's POV:

    I wake up dazed and confused. I sit up and see Foxete playing with her hair on the bed next to me.
"Welcome back to the land of the living Bon." She smiles.
"Huh? What happened?" Foxy says sitting up next to me.
"Did we die and come back?" I ask Fox.
"No." I hear Kreko answer bluntly, "I saved your from getting found by Freddy."
"What you did was suicide." Fox scoffs.
"Maybe, but my people are safe and so is my daughter." Kreko sighs.
"I hope it's worth it." Foxy frowns.
Illoha and Toby wake up next.
"W-What?" Toby says confused.
"You- we- we're alive?!" Illoha says looking from me to her father.
"Yes, yes, now how do I wake him up?" The general says pointing at Acron.
"Oh that's impossible." Fox laughs.
"Really?" The general laughs alongside her.

Foxete's POV:

I get up and walk over to Acron. I take a glass of water which is conveniently nearby and pour it on him.
"H-Huh?" He says waking up with a jolt.
"Boom. Problem solved!" I say.
"Damn it. I was nearly home." Acron mutters.
"That's depressing." I say suppressing a laugh.
"Come. We need to leave. Now." The governor says sternly as a giant BOOM could be heard from outside.
"Yeah I agree let's go."
Keeva hands us our weapons as we exit the room. I put my dagger back in my pocket and hold my gun. I don't have my armor on so it's harder to put it anywhere. I should probably wear a gun holster or something. I wait for Illoha and the two of us walk together. She looks confused, like she doesn't know if she should be happy or angry. To be honest I'm just thankful for my friends to be alive. I smile at Illoha but she's preoccupied looking at her father. We walk up to a small shuttle.
"This is where you leave." Kreko sighs.
"Aren't you coming?" Foxy asks him.
"No. I must stay and make sure everyone leaves and that Freddy doesn't get his hands on our metals." Kreko says seriously.
"Father, you'll be killed." Illoha says grabbing his arm.
"I understand, Illoha, but it must be done." He says looking away from her, "Now all of you go on the ship."
Keeva, Bonnie, Foxy, and Toby enter first. Before Illoha enters she says, "I... I love you dad." She turn to him.
"And I you." He says still not looking at her.
"Come on!" Acron says throwing his arms up, "This may be the last time you see her! Say it!"
"I.. I love you as well, Illoha." He says.
I saw his face and it looked like he had tears in his eyes. Illoha and I enter.
Before the door closes I say, "For the sake of your daughter, don't die, please."
    The door closes behind me and I sit beside Illoha. I can barely see her because it's so dark, but I know she is crying. We are all silent. I pull a risky move and put my arm around her. She doesn't push me away. There's a silent truth we share, the governor won't make it off this planet alive.
Illoha's tears had dried by the time we got to the ship. She was holding my arm as we walked as if she would fall if she didn't.
"Wait, the ship looks different?" Toby gasps.
The engines were way bigger and the ship looked way more aerodynamic. I was in awe but Keeva rushed everyone onto the ship. We started to walk around.
"W-Wait? What!?" Keori says sitting on the steps of the ship. She runs out and gives Foxy a massive hug, "You're not dead! You're here!" She let's go of Foxy and hugs me.
After the hugs and hellos we explore the ship more. We had an actual med-bay now along with a better bathroom. We also now had bedrooms instead of just bunks. We walk into the prison bay.
"Oooh look at this!" Acron says walking into one of the cells.
Bonnie quickly shuts the door behind him, "Gotcha." He laughs.
"NoOo let me oUt" Acron whines.
Both Foxy and Bonnie go to let him out, so Foxy pushes the button but then Bonnie closes it. Finally Acron manages to get out and we're all laughing, well except Keeva because she's a party pooper.
"Don't laugh!" Acron says laughing, "I went to jail! I'm a changed man!"
We leave the prison bay with tons of giggles and go upstairs. Suddenly Acron gasps, "WHERE IS MY COW!?" He yells as he runs through the ship.
I open the rec-room door and see Mr Fluffers looking more ugly than normal, "Right here man. Fluffers is here!" I yell out.
"Oh Mr Fluffers!" Acron hugs the thing.
I'm glad everyone is laughing. Bonnie and Acron go to start flying the ship while Illoha and I take our rooms. About 30 minutes later I knock on Illoha's door.
"Who is it?" She asks aggressively.
"Uh, it's Fox?" I say calmly. I know how she feels. She never thought her father loved her until he said it that one time. It might have been the first time he said it.
She opens the door, "You can come in." She clearly has been crying. I bite my tongue and hug her tightly. She closes the door behind us and she cries into my shoulder. Sometimes you need a shoulder to cry on. It's ok. I'll be that person for her.

(1100 Words)

The Protectors; Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now