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Bonnie's POV:

"Bonnie?" Fox asks me as she taps my shoulder.
"Yes?" I ask annoyed. I didn't want to talk to her.
"Why don't you visit Freddy?" She sighs.
    Last time I visited Freddy things didn't go well. I told him what's been happening and he told me that he wasn't there for me to just dump my problems on him. That confused me, because I always ask him how's he's doing and sometimes, yeah, I forget to call him, but that doesn't mean I don't care! I'm fighting a space war here.
"I don't think he wants to see me." I sigh.
"Go to the pizzeria with me then. We'll say hi to everyone." She smiles.
"Why do you want me to go so much?!" I snap.
"Because I don't want you to loose your friendships!" She sighs.
"They don't care about me anyways." I laugh,"Freddy hasn't called me once."
Fox stays silent for what seems like forever.
"He does care about you." She turns, "Trust me. You'll want to savor every friend you have."
With that she goes to the door.
Easy for her to say. She gets to explore dimensions and teleport around with no care in the world. She doesn't need to care about anybody!
"Yeah, yeah." I scoff.
"Im serious, Bonnie." She says turning back to me. Her face is stone cold.
"I'll call him." I give in.
And with that she leaves.
Let's see how this goes.

Foxete's POV:

I sigh as I pace around my room. Bonnie has been off since the first space station. He was always... off I guess. He's been more and more depressed as he sees what this universe holds. As someone who has seen what the multiverse is I understand how difficult it can be to look at. Suddenly, my deep thinking is interrupted by the one and only Acron.
"Fox? Can I come in?" He says knocking, "Or can you come out?"
I open the door and step out, "Yes?"
"So, we're at the space station." Acron laughs nervously.
"Wonderful. Let's get fuel." I sigh.
"Yeah, not so fast." Acron looks at the ceiling then back to me.
"They're pirates." Acron whispers.
"What?" I say hushing my voice aswell.
"It's not safe. We have no fuel, so Bonnie is getting some from Earth." Acron looks over his shoulder.
"I could've done that." I shake my head.
"Yeah, he'll be back soon. Keeva is ill, so she'll be staying here. So will you, 'cause Bonnie doesn't want you leavin'." Acron sighs.
"So just you and our captain then." I scoff, "Recipe for disaster."
"I agree, but I think he knows what he's doing." Acron coughs and brings his voice back to normal volume, "So, we should be good to go in a few hours."
"Great." I laugh.
"See ya soon Fox." He sighs, walking off.
See you soon.

(485 Words)

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