Confronting Mistakes

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Foxete's POV:

    Foxy told me to stop working on Bonnie and to switch with Keori for a minute, so I walk away. Not even a minute in I hear Bonnie screaming, obviously I run back into the room with Foxy to see Keori yelling at Tim.
"You idiot! You could've killed him!" She throws her hands up.
"What happened?" I ask, "I left for less than a minute!"
"Tim pulled out Bonnie's regulator." Dex states.
"Is it back in?" I ask, looking at Bonnie.
"Well he's obviously not screaming, so yes." Dex rolls his eyes.
"No need for the sass." Foxy scoffs.
They glare at each other.
Did I miss something?

Bonnie's POV:

"That... was one way to start a day." I laugh nervously from shock.
"Idiot express over here decided to pull your regulator while I wasn't looking." She snaps at Tim.
"Sorry!" He bows his head, "I got curious."
"It's alright, but next time, ask Keori or Fox." I sigh.
Tim nods.
"Hey guys?" I sigh, "Could I talk to Keori alone for a second?"
"Sure." Fox nods, Dex and Tim follow her out of the room. I hear her say something about Uno with cards.
Foxy lingers for a bit.
"Foxy, it's okay." She smiles.
He nods and walks off to join the others.
"Whatcha need?" She asks.
"I'm sorry." I sigh, "It won't help, but I wasn't sensitive at all towards you."
"It wasn't fair of me to scream at you." She sniffles, "I should be the one who's sorry."
"Truce?" I chuckle, sticking out a hand.
"Truce." She smiles, shaking my hand.
I look down at my visible body.
Why am I no longer in HD?

(280 Words)

The Protectors; Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now