More Interrogations

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Foxete's POV:

I sit in a chair in the bathroom, Arie across from me.
"You don't want to try to punch me right?" I smile.
"I just want to go back to Ophelia." She snaps.
"Ok, I understand. Is Ophelia your bestie or something?" I scoff.
"Girlfriend." She snarls.
"That would make sense." I sigh.
"I swear if you're homophobic!" She yells.
It's almost like I got a girlfriend yesterday.
I let out a small chuckle and smile, "Oh you're serious."
"I take it you're far away from homophobic?" Arie raises her eyebrows.
"Oh yeah. No I'm totally an absolutely rule stricken person." I say sarcastically.
"Thought so." She eases up a bit.
"So, you're from Earth, you're human, you're 18, your name is Arie." I check things off, "What were you doing on the ship prior to us taking it over?"
"I was being trained as a soldier." She says bluntly.
"Ok. Great. You will continue that training with Keeva after we finish interrogations with the others, okay?" I sigh.
"Sounds good." She smiles.
I stand up and help her up.
"I'll just walk you back to your cell then." I sigh.
"You're surprisingly pretty chill." Arie laughs.
"Yeah, I'm not so bad when we aren't under pressure." I smile.
"Why are you doing a second interrogation?" She asks.
"To find a traitor." I say exiting the room.
"And you don't think it's me?" She asks.
"You wouldn't betray us. We could kill you and Ophelia too easily. We seem similar, we both wouldn't do things that would endanger the people we care about." I explain, walking towards the prison bay.
"You're right." She nods.
"I think we're going to get along just fine." I smile slightly.
"I think so too." Arie chuckles.
You can find friends in strange places I suppose.

(310 words)

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