Not Who We Thought

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Acron's POV:

I land the escape pod at the space station. Bonnie is in his old man costume.
"Alright get out." A guard demands from outside the door.
I open it and we step out.
"State your names and business here." A second guard says roughly.
"My name is Talo." I lie. Talo was a friend of mine from home.
"My name's Alfred." Bonnie stutters.
You sound a lot like Bonnie." A third guard growls.
"Well I'm not him." Bonnie coughs, now changing his voice to a gravely one and loosing the accent.
"We just need food and fuel." I state, "Can you provide that?"
"We have barely anything. Take what you want, but don't leave us starving." The first guard says suspiciously.
"Ok." Bonnie/Alfred says.
"Show is the way." I step out and help Bonnie down.
What did we get ourselves into?

Foxete's POV:

I wait in the cockpit while Bonnie and Acron are trying to get us food and fuel. I can see the space station from the window. The lights flicker every few seconds. We're running very low on fuel, so it's being stored in case we need to escape. I have coordinates for a nearby planet. We'll land there if this plan goes wrong.
"Fox?" I hear Acron from my signal tuner.
"Yeah?" I ask, picking up the phone.
"There isn't any food here." Acron sighs, "They're also a crew of pirates, so they are 100% raiding our little escape ship right now."
"So nothing?" I ask him.
"Nothing. We'll get fuel, but no food." Acron's audio breaks up, "I'll update you later."
He hangs up the phone.
That was quick.

Acron's POV:

We walk out and immediately we get swarmed by guns drawn to us. In one swift motion I take out my bomb and I press and hold the button.
"You shoot me, and my hand will fall off this button killing us all!" I yell.
"Yeah! Put your guns down!" Bonnie's gravely voice demands.
The guns are lowered and a guard, who appears to be a commander, speaks, "Our leader, Ardlock, wishes to speak with you." The color must have drained from my face. Ardlock?
"The captain of the Cruiser?" I ask.
"Exactly." The commander laughs.
I'm gonna pray to god that he has no idea it's me. I have a bit of a rocky past with Ardlock. He was my best friend and all. Until he began getting unethical and I was kicked off my ship and crew. I was the captain, him my second in command. Now, he's nothing to me, and I'm an enemy to him. We were taken into one of Freddy's drop-ships that they were using as a cell.
"Stay there." The guard says.
"The hell we will." I whisper to Bonnie.
Time to bust out.

(470 Words)

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