Night Terrors

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The content in this chapter touches upon nightmares, illusions, anxiety, and Paranomal activity. Everything in this book IS FICTIOUS!
You may skip this chapter as it is only important to Foxete's character and not the story itself.

Foxete's POV:

My head is pounding.
Where am I?
Where am I?

I look around to see that I'm in dead space.
"Hello?" I call out.
"Hello?" A young British voice calls back.
"Where am I?" I call at the voice, "Who are you?"
"You'll find out soon enough." A voice laughs. A voice that belongs to Freddy Fazbear. My once friend.
    Freddy appears before my eyes. He shifts between the normal Freddy I know and care about, and the monster he has become in this reality. My body stops moving. I can't move! I'm stuck where I am. The Freddys walk towards me.
"Let me go!" I scream.
I shut my eyes.
When I open my eyes, Freddy isn't there anymore.
It was just a nightmare?
I wake up next to Illoha. I remember she fell asleep crying last night. I guess I fell asleep as well.
"Illoha?" I ask her. She doesn't respond.
"Princess?" I shake her lightly.
No response. I stand up. The lights on the new ship are all out. When I open the door, I'm back at our pizzeria. I'm an animatronic again. Freddy is offline onstage. I walk over to him.
"Freddy?" I ask my friend.
He turns on abruptly, "You're the reason they all die! It's your fault!" I shut him off before he can yell more.
What is happening?
I open the front doors and appear at another pizzeria. I recognize this place all too well. I stare face-to-face with a bright sign.
Fredbears Family Diner!
I immediately feel sick. Which memory is this? I have so many bad memories with this place. I see my dads girlfriend walk towards me.
"Valarie." I stand shocked.
"Hello there, darling." She smiles bitterly.
"Rebecca? Are you there?"
"Foxete? Wake up!"

(340 Words)

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