Trial by Fire

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Foxete's POV:

I pace around Bonnie and Foxy's cages. Both animatronics were shut off.
"What do we do?" I ask my blue friend, Acron.
"There's nothing we can do except prove their innocence. I created a file and it will hopefully get as many people as possible to save Bonnie." He sighs.
"And what about Foxy?" I say looking back at my red Fox friend.
"He's guilty for all his crimes. He knows that." Acron says through gritted teeth, "We're lucky to even be alive for helping him."
    I sigh and walk over to the jury section of the courtroom and sit. It would be filled later for Foxy and Bonnie's trails. Acron, Toby, Keori, Illoha, and I would be witnesses and would try and convince Kreko of their innocence. Bonnie would be easy, I hope, but Foxy? No, Foxy wouldn't be easy. You see unlike Bonnie he is guilty for his crimes.
"Foxete and Acron." The governor appears in the judges stand, "Sit in the witness table. My daughter will join you."
Illoha follows us over to the table. She looks really upset.
"Are you ok?" I whisper to Illoha. She nods.
    We were shortly joined by Toby, who was helping Keori hobble her way over on her broken ankle. Despite not knowing us, despite being injured, that girl came to this trial to help us get our friend back.
"Thank for coming Keori." I say smiling.
"Oh course!" She says looking at Foxy's prison, "He saved my life so it's only fair I save his."
The jury section fills up and so does the other witness table. 3 people sit. One woman and two men.
"Foxy and Bonnie." The king begins, "Are you aware of the war that is going on right now?" The governor stares closely at them.
"Y-Yes sir!" Foxy pipes up.
"I know of it I suppose." Bonnie says meekly.
"Good, and you know the crimes you are in for today?" He asks them.
"No sir." The two say in unison. Foxy is going to bluff his way out.
The governor raises an eyebrow, "None at all?"
"None sir." Foxy says with confidence.
"Y-yeah none." Bonnie stutters.
He looks at his book. "Well. Foxy is charged with the murder of, 519,000,000,000 people. Bonnie is charged with the murder of..." He coughs and re-reads the number, "989,000,000,000 people."
Oh crap, That's a lot of people.
"How do you plead?" The governor says staring at them again.
"Not guilty." Foxy says with pure confidence.
"N-Not guilty?" Bonnie stutters.
"Why do you stutter?" The governor says raising his voice to a more demanding tone.
"I-I'm not used to this kinda stuff! I-I don't mean anyone harm!" Bonnie says panicking.
"Hey Bonnie, Bonnie. Look at me." Foxy says turning to face Bonnie from the other cage, "It will be ok. Your innocent. You will be ok!"
The governor frowns, "How do you know he will be safe, Foxy?"
"Because if you want to kill anyone here I'd rather it be me." Foxy sighs, "If I have to die to let Bonnie be safe then I'm fine with that, sir."
The governor looks surprised. No, that's an understatement. He looks confused to the max.
"F-Foxy?" Bonnie asks fearfully.
"Yeah Bon?" Foxy smiles at him sadly.
"A-Am I gonna die?" He stutters frantically.
"No! You're not!" He says with confidence.
"Well. Now without further interruptions. I would like to have my first defense witness come up." The governor says looking at us.
We look at eachother. Nobody wants to go first so I stand, "I'll go." I say as I walk up to the podium above the animatronics.
"State your name and reasoning for defending them." The governor demands, staring at me. I know that look. He's reading my thoughts.
"I know Bonnie is innocent." I think to myself.
The governor raises an eyebrow and I begin to speak.
"My name is Foxete. Yes, just like the animatronic, but don't let that define me or my liability." I say staring at the governor dead on, "I know both of these animatronics. I worked on them. I'd call them my friends as well." I look back at my crew. Acron nods. I turn back to the governor.
"Bonnie saved my life when I met him. He found me alone and scared. I was severely hurt too. He saved me, and I promise to do everything I can to save him." I pause and look at the king. No expression. He didn't budge.
"I can promise you Bonnie isn't the same model." I say my confidence waving, "Each animatronic has a different model code. He has a different one from the Bonnie you are confusing him with."
"How do you know they all have different codes?" The governor interrupts.
"I-I've seen models before." I half-lie. I have seen modes before, but I leave out the part of building animatronics.
"I see, continue." He waves his hand.
"Now that I have hopefully convinced you that Bonnie is innocent I will tell you why Foxy is as well." I say regaining confidence.
"Sorry, but one question?" The governor asks, "Can you confirm it is the same Foxy model as the one who killed trillions?"
I sigh, "He is the same model."
The courtroom is quiet. I look at the galaxy sword siting on the judges stand.
"Foxy saved a young girls life. He helped me save your daughters life. He has helped us more than once and has had many chances to kill us and take that damn galaxy sword but no! He didn't! He helped us live! He kept us alive! He is our friend! He never wanted anything to do with Freddy!" I say angrily, "He isn't who you think he is!"
I go silent with the rest of the court room.
"That is enough." The governor says sternly, "Return to your seat."
I go and sit down. I hope what I said was good enough. I don't remember what Acron said. I was too focused on making a plan incase the talking doesn't work.
"Princess, you're up." I hear Acron say as he walks back.
"Good luck." I say as I smile sadly.
The people of Keekos gasp as they see Illoha defending the the animatronics.
"The heir is defending a Bonnie model?"
"Is that the heir?"
"Illoha Shayma?"
Everyone is whispering. But it doesn't seem to phase her.
"My name is Illoha Shayma and I am defending Bonnie and Foxy today." She says with nothing but confidence.
"This Bonnie model is definitely not the one who... who attacked us." She sighs. "He is kind. He doesn't mean harm. When Beema... passed... he wanted to help me in every way he knew how. He tried his hardest to make it up to me." She smiles to herself, "He gives others second chances and will only harm someone if they are a threat to us, his crew." She says looking down to where Bonnie would be.
"I trust him." She says.
Those words hang in the air for a minute.
"I understand. I am convinced he is a different model, but that doesn't mean he is dangerous. I will drop his charge of the murders." He sighs.
Illoha looks overjoyed.
"Now, about Foxy?" The governor says looking at him.
"Oh..." Illoha's voice trailed off. She didn't really know Foxy.
"He saved Keori, he had many chances to kill us while we slept, but he didn't. He stayed with Foxete when she was injured in an attempt to save Beema. He made sure she was alright. He stuck with Keori the entire ride here. He has been nothing but kind." She argues.
"Thank you Illoha. Sit down now." The governor demands.
"Yes, Father." Illoha sighs.
    Keori was up next. She just went up there and told the king that Foxy and Bonnie saved her life. She sadly couldn't find anything else other than Foxy protecting her. I help Keori back to the med wing while Toby goes. I sit her down on the bed.
"This is going really well." I say sarcastically.
Keori looks like she wants to cry.
"But hey! It's ok! They'll be fine." I say with fake enthusiasm.
"I hope so!" She hugs me. Poor kid.
"I gotta get back but we can talk later ok?" I smile at her and walk back to the crew.
"-And if they help them they're a bunch of traitors!!" I hear second witness guy yell pointing at us, "I mean! One of them is a hybrid named after an animatronic!"
That's an ironic entrance.
"Hm, I do understand." The governor ponders.
We all wait for a minute. I see the guards load their guns. The general walks in front of us.
"Keeva." Illoha says.
"Hello." Keeva smiles at something behind us.
    When Illoha and I turn around we see Acron and Toby being held by guards.
"Wait what?!" Illoha yells grabbing my arm and stepping back.
"Uh what's happening?" I say going for my dagger and realizing it's not there.
"Looking for this?" Keeva asks. She took my dagger. Keeva grabs me and everything goes black.
I wake up in a cage. Like Bonnie and Foxy's. I'm next to Illoha. Apparently I'm the last one to wake up.
"Good. She's awake." The governor smiles.
"You're so lucky I'm in this cage!" I yell at him.
"Well. Let the true trial begin." The king says ominously, "This will be broadcasted across the galaxy to show them your... sentence."
"Oh we're dead! We're so dead!" Illoha laughs.
"Princess, we aren't going to die!" Acron yells from the other side.
"Quit your talking and be silent!" A guard hushed. I cussed under my breath.
"Language." Toby says.
Foxy laughs.
"Now. Acron. Your charges are..." The governor looks at his book, "Aiding and abetting a wanted criminal with the knowledge that they are a criminal and pirating. How do you plead?"
"Well it doesn't matter does it?" Acron laughs, "If Foxy's a criminal then sure! I guess I am guilty."
"Wait how did you know Acron was a pirate?" I asked the governor.
"His jacket." He doesn't look up from his book.
"Next, Bonnie." He looks in his book, "Aiding and abetting a wanted criminal with the knowledge that they are a criminal. How do you plead?"
"Not guilty." Bonnie says, "Foxy isn't a criminal."
"Foxy." The governor says ignoring him, "You are charged for Murder and theft. How do you plead?"
"It doesn't matter, but not guilty." Foxy sighs.
"Foxete." He sits in silence.
"Yes?" I ask.
"You are charged for treason, pirating, assassination, theft, and aiding and abetting a wanted criminal with the knowledge that they are a criminal. How do you plead." He stares straight at me.
"Not. Guilty." I say with a lot of emphasis on the ends of my words.
"Illoha, my daughter, you are charged with disobeying direct orders from the king and aiding, treason, and abetting a wanted criminal with knowledge that he is a criminal." He looks at her sadly, "How do you plead?"
She hesitates, "Guilty." She says looking away from the governor. The courtroom gasps.
The governor coughs and looks at Toby. "GlubGlub, You are charged for aiding and abetting a wanted criminal with the knowledge that they are a criminal." The king states.
"He's a kid! Let him slide!" I yell out.
"He isn't a child." Kreko shakes his head, "He's an adult on his planet."
I scoff.
"The charge for all of you is... death." The governor sighs.
"What?!?" I yell.
"That's outrageous!" Illoha looks like she wants to cry.
"What?!" Toby cries out.
"N-No!" Bonnie stutters.
Acron and Foxy stand there in silence.
"Father!" Illoha cries out.
"I'm sorry. Any last words?" He sighs.
"This is the hope in the galaxy dying off." Acron sighs, "We tried at least."
"You're just like Freddy!" Foxy laughs, "Just! Like! Him! You're going to kill your own daughter!"
"I don't wanna die!" Toby yells.
"Death with Mother is better than anywhere with you, Father. I'll be with Beema again." Illoha says fighting tears.
"See you in hell." I spit.
"Guess I'd do it again." Bonnie sighs.
"Goodbye, Illoha." He says as he pulls a lever.
I look at the Princess. I want to say something but her eyes are staring straight up at her father.
Its an electrocution.
I go numb.
Am I dead?

(2080 Words)

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