I Don't Like This Place

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Foxete's POV:

The King slime sent an... escort? Their name is Blue or Green I really didn't care. So we're walking along the woods when Bonnie asks, "Hey, uh, what day is it?"
I look at my signal tuner that I got from the ship, "The 26... of December." I say solemnly.
"Crap." Bonnie says under his breath.
"You good man?" GlubGlub says.
"Yeah I'm fine I just... missed something." He says looking back in the direction we came.
Freddy is gonna be pissed.
"Hey it's ok man!" I say, "We can go back after and wish them a Happy Christmas."
Bonnie sighs, "I guess so."
We continue walking. And "blue" or "green" or whatever keeps bumping into my leg.
"Can you stop that." I say turning around, "I will punt you." Bonnie laughs.
"Sorrryyy." The annoying slime says. I roll my eyes and continue walking.
"We're gonna die and I'm gonna die with honor!" "Blue" says.
"No." Bonnie replies, "When you die it won't be with honor. You'll just... die."
As we approach the red tribe I realize something. "Is it-" I begin.
"Cut perfectly?" Bonnie continues.
"We are slime." GlubGlub says, "Everything is symmetrical. We don't like red."
"Ugly color." Blue says.
"Hey!" I reply, "Most of me is red!"
"Why don't you just work together?" Bonnie asks.
"They are killers." GlubGlub says, "it would ruin our dignity and morals."
"Oh." Bonnie says looking at me.
"I think I see him." I whisper pointing ahead. Bonnie nods and we grow more quiet.
"There it is." GlubGlub says, "oh gosh, oh gosh, I'm scared!" He starts to panic.
"Calm down or he'll give us a reason to panic!" I say in a hushed whisper. I feel for my knife just in case he isn't who I think he is.
Bonnie climbs the hill, "what is that?" He says pointing to a pen full of red slime children.
"That is the children's pen. The red tribe makes their children experienced killers from a young age." GlubGlub says solemnly.
"Dang that sounds like the red room." I reply
"The what?" Blue asks.
"Oh nothing." I say realizing that they have no idea what The Avengers are.
"Ok so uh." Bonnie says, "let's just get this over with!"
"I'm not gonna die right?" Blue says.
"Honestly your probably gonna die. I'm ok with you dying." GlubGlub says.
"Dang bro." I snicker.
"Yay! I'll die with honor!" Blue says.
"You'll protect me right?" GlubGlub says. Bonnie stays quiet.
"Ok I'll take your silence as a no." GlubGlub says.
"I mean, I'll protect you buddy!" Bonnie says.
"No he doesn't like me." Toby says sadly.
"No! We like you Toby!" Bonnie says.
"I enjoy your company Toby." I smile.
Bonnie walks right up to the base before I can stop him. Like right up there.
Absolute idiot.
He knocks on the door and I groan. This is why we need a plan. I hide behind the house and take out my knife. The red demon opens the door.

That isn't Foxy.

"What are you doing here?" A deep voice says.
"W-What are you!" Bonnie says, "You don't l-look like a Fox!"
"Your kind is not welcome here." The demon says.'
It has a black mask with yellow eyes. It's wearing a red trench coat with purple and blue threading. He has grey armor underneath and looks terrifying. I can see a tail underneath the coat and ears tucked back.
"Uh yeah s-sorry man!" GlubGlub says.
"Not you." Not-Foxy says.
"Oh sorry man my b." Toby says.
"Shut up. I mean that blue.... Thing." Not-Foxy says.
Not-Foxy walks towards Bonnie and I sneak behind him. I realize that this "hybrid" body is much more nimble than the animatronic one. I know this model. It's an animatronic of course. He reminds me of Foxy but... what version? He can't be a Funtime, but he doesn't look like an original.
"Is your name- what's your name?" Bonnie stutters. He's terrified.
"Where's Freddy." Not-Foxy says.
"What?" Bonnie asks. The question got him off guard.
"Did I stutter?" Not-Foxy says.
"I-I-I didn't h-hear you completely." Bonnie stutters
"Where's Freddy? You Idiot." Not-Foxy asks again getting closer. I get ready to attack him but Bonnie calls me off.
"I don't know where Freddy is." Bonnie says.
"Give me one reason I shouldn't kill these 2 right now." Not-Foxy says referring to Blue and GlubGlub.
"Because I would kill you first." I say appearing behind them with my knife to their head. I take his gun from his belt and back up pointing it at his left eye.
"Do you know how to use that?!?" Bonnie asks.
"Of course I do!" I scoff.
"Oh?" Not-Foxy says, "smart not to come alone." He turns and sees me, "Ha you can't do anything! Your tiny!"
I smirk, alright buddy. I press a button on the robots arms to release the hooks, them I swiftly run in front of Bonnie, gun out.
It gets up and grabs me by my arm, "oh crap." I say and he throws me into a tree. I drop the gun in the process.
I black out.
Next thing I know I wake up and Bonnie is nowhere to be found, nor are the slimes. I'm in the middle of the forest.
"Bonnie?" I say. I feel panic inside me.
"BONNIE!?" I scream. I walk over to a tree and sit down. What am I doing?! If Foxy is nearby I'll be dead in a minute! I lost the gun.
I lost him. I lost Bonnie. I pick up a rock and chuck it. Damn it. I have my signal tuner though. No point. He doesn't have one.
I guess It's time to go Fox hunting.

(975 Words)

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