𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘵𝘩

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The eldest shrugs. "Anya is Agent Romanoff's sister." He explains, and Loki leans back in his seat to take in the information. Oh, Norns.

"I won't touch Barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly, intimately, in every way he knows you fear. And then, he'll wake just long enough to see his good work. And when he screams, I'll split his skull." Loki spats at Natasha through the glass, and she recoils in fear. "But before I make that happen, I'll pay your little sister a quick visit as well. Splatter her blood all over you, just before I make Barton violently take your life. I'll make you two sisters watch one another die." His voice is laced with a merciless anger. "This is my bargain, you mewling quim."

Loki shakes away the thought and looks back at the other older variants. They all seem to know what Loki was thinking about, and they equally look uneased.

He averts his eyes. "Why did we leave her on Midgard? Knowing us, we would do anything to keep her close. I never would've helped save Asgard if it meant leaving her behind." Loki is aware of his extreme selfishness and possessiveness.

The other two Loki's only exchanged a look before the eldest gives him an apologetic expression. "There was an argument. At this point, I don't even remember what it was about, but it left both Anya and us hurt and prideful. We left Earth because of that."

Loki furrows his brows. "A single fight? And that was the last time we ever saw her? The last time we were ever with her was arguing over some forgettable topic?"

The dark-skinned Loki gives him an annoyed look. "All of us regret the last encounter we ever had with Anya, so no need to share your spitefulness. You would've done the same thing if you didn't end up in the TVA."

That was the cold hard truth; all Loki's were always destined for their love to be ripped away from them, leaving their love broken.

But Loki shakes his head and stands up to leave the tank, only to be greeted by various versions of himself, even someone who looks exactly the same as he does.

One thing led to another, the rest of the Loki's barge into the tank where they all begin to betray one another. Loki rolls his eyes at his predictability. He never realized how annoying his so-called mischief was.

He wonders for a moment how the other Loki's will react if he brings up the woman named Anya. Although, he refrains from mentioning her and quietly escapes with the eldest and youngest Loki.

The eldest grumbles under his breath. "Broken. Every single version of us. We are never going to change."

"And if any one of us dares to choose a different path, they're sent here to die!" The youngest bitterly spews.

Loki asks for their help in defeating Alioth and escape the Void, but to their dismay, it seems so impossible.

It wasn't until Sylvie arrives along with Mobius. Loki soon realizes that Sylvie pruned herself to follow Loki into the Void, it makes him smile a bit to know that he has his two friends back.

Sylvie tells him of his plan regarding enchanting the stormy cloud. While they wait for Alioth to appear again, Sylvie and Loki sit together by the grass.

"I've been thinking about the girl you talked about." Sylvie tells Loki.

He offers a slightly annoyed smile. "As have I."

Sylvie meets his eyes. "Do you think that when this is all over, we'll get to come back to her?"

Even the thought of meeting this mysterious woman gave Loki shivers down his spine. "Truthfully, I have no idea..."

Sylvie pulls a saddened smile. "It feels nice, you know?"

Loki slightly scoffs. "That we're in love with a human?"

"That someone who loves us is out there. Still alive. Still loving us." Sylvie quietly says, staring off into the distance. "I've never met her, but it's rather nice to think that she loves me."

Loki softens, briefly glancing at Sylvie and the saddened expression on her face. Loki exhales gently. "Her name is Anya, by the way."

Sylvie's eyes brighten up and she grins at him. "What, did Grandpa Loki tell you all about her?" They chuckle together.

"Just a few. Some memories belong solely to him. He told what I needed to know." Loki respected the eldest Loki's privacy, despite the fact that they were just the same person.

"Like what?"

"She is the sister of someone I... wronged. Greatly. Agent Romanoff. Come to think of it, I've heard of Anya before. I used her against Agent Romanoff to taunt and threaten her." Loki frowns to himself. "I asked Agent Barton, a close friend to Agent Romanoff, what could be her weakness. Barton said it was her little sister."

Sylvie looks at Loki. "Did you use Anya against this Agent Romanoff, then?"

Loki slowly shakes his head. "I never got to meet her. I'm assuming that I was defeated by the Avengers before Anya could take her place within the team."

She sighs in relief. "That's a relief, then."

"Hm." Loki quietly agrees. "She was an Avenger when I met her in person."

"What's an Avenger?" Sylvie asks with curiosity.

Loki softly chuckles, shaking his head. "You're lucky you never got bested by them." He glances at her. "Though, I'm sure that you would have won the Battle of New York. The Avengers wouldn't stand a chance."

"Were they the ones you went up against before you got here?"

"Yes, however, Anya wasn't part of the group yet. We meet her quite later. Odin banishes us from Asgard, and we stay on Midgard. Specifically, the Avengers Tower."

Sylvie appears sad, almost mourning the loss of a lover she has never met yet. She pulls out the TemPad from her pocket and sighs. She checks the battery and chuckles. "We have enough juice for a few visits."

Loki presses his lips together. "Best not. The TVA will find us. Meeting you might cause a Nexus event." Loki mutters. "There are more important things than meeting a lost love."

Sylvie's saddened eyes fill with determination. "Yeah, like taking down the TVA."

"Saving the universe, essentially."

"No need to be dramatic, but yeah! Kind of." Sylvie tries her best to convince herself. Silence fills the space between them again and both of them knew that the other is thinking about this young Midgardian woman they've never met. Neither of them mention it though.

When Alioth comes, Loki is determined to stay with Sylvie as she enchants the storm. The youngest Loki gives him a flaming sword, and both Loki's wish them luck and leaves. Loki bids farewell to Mobius by embracing him before he leaves through a portal using the TemPad.

Sylvie and Loki make their way towards the storm and Loki tries to distract Alioth while Sylvie comes closer. It wasn't until the eldest Loki decides to help them by casting the biggest and most marvelous illusion of Asgard.

"Go!" The eldest Loki yells for them and Loki gapes at the image of Asgard. From far away, he can hear the eldest Loki yell, "And tell Anya that the sun will shine on her again."

The view almost brought Loki to tears as he helps Sylvie enchant Alioth until a gateway opens.

The words, "Glorious purpose," echo in Loki's head as he and Sylvie make their way inside the small church-like building within Alioth.

note: we're nearing the end of season 1 of the show :) i'm so excited to explore what happens after it. we're going to meet some familiar characters soon.

also i have 200 reads but still no comments :,( feedback would be nice, guys!

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