the intimidating woman downstairs

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shoto felt cold...? cold? no, not really, but he felt something really cold on his forehead as his eyes rested.

something felt off. he almost felt naked? where was he anyway? the last thing he remembered was his failed attempt to fool bakugo and then he thinks he passed out.

he slowly flutters his eyes open groaning at the light yhat was shone right infront of his eyes blinding him. soon he was fully awake, and he opens his eyes wide only to reveal a woman with short brown hair staring down at him with a look of worry.

"holy shit" he startles almost falling off the couch and looks right back at her after having rubbed out the light ache from his eyes and that was when he properly got to look at her.

he noticed he was on a couch, a blue one to be precise, shirtless with bandages wrapped around his torso.

he groans in frustration when the realization hits him, "fuck" he says placing his forearm agaist his eyes fully covering them darkening his view "i got kidnapped didnt i?" he tries to sit up hissing as he gradually stood straighter and looked around.

it was a simple house really, a kitchen and a living room tied with no walls in between white doors shut with family portraits everywhere. of course shoto didnt think about taking a closer look at them, he just sighed and plopped back down returning the womans stare.

"bakugo definately left me on that sidewalk, im shoto who are you" he says not even minding the fact that he was probably taken as hostage for money.

he didnt really care, he would probably sit down with the kidnappers for a little while before leaving, it wasnt like it never happened before. people were money starved, craving every penny one could get, it wasnt a rare occurance that he was unfortunate enough to be taken right after being beat up by his father.

"kid youre not kidnapped what are you talking about"

"so he didnt....leave me on the street"


"thats debatable really" he says automatically like he had been rehearsing that moment infront of a mirror for hours on end.

"oh hes awake?" kirishima says holding back a relatively angry blond that was ready to throw hands if he let go. 

"yeah, a few minutes ago eiji go get some water will you?"

"oh yeah ill be right back" he goes and todoroki's eyes follow him from behind as he lingers through the kitchen getting his a red riot cup from the cupboard.

"where am i exactly?"

"oh, its my house todo, suki was on his way here when uh... you know" he trails off handing him the cup and sitting infront of him. bakugo still leaning on the door frame his arms defensively against his chest with a frown on his face.

"nice house, and you are?"

"his mom" she answers "now, what happened hm? attack? robbery? you fell down?"

"huh?" confusion fills his mind looking at the woman on the wooden chair next to him "what are you talking about?"

"well, im obviously talking about your bruises"

"oh those"

"i think its obvious that im talking about those kid"

"well, funny story uhh" he trails off looking at nothing specifically, just thibking about a story believable enough for him to get away with it.

"stop thinking about a lie"

"i actually dont know what happened, it all happened so fast i-"

"try again, this time it was a tad better but you need to work on the tone" she says with a serious face scary enough to make shoto spill the truth in fear. "eiji, both of you get out of the room, lets talk in private eh"

"yeah okay ma"  he leaves with his boyfriend at his tail and shuts the door leaving shoto and ataku on their own to talk.



"tell me"

"absolutely nothing to tell you miss"

"do you know what my job is"

"i couldnt care less"

"im a social worker, i usually deal with runaways that want the attention of their famous parents so is it that? but it wouldnt explain the bruises though"

"is this an investigation? youre not at work ma'am so please keep the questions, just let me take my shirt and ill get out of your toes"

"its not that easy"

"why not make it huh? ill pay you about-" he looks through his pants and gets a candy and an earing "this much and ill leave the door and we both forget about what happened today"

"my wife healed you and my son's boyfriend worriedly got you here so im hoping you have a valid reason"

"the thing is i dont, i feel cold where are my

"theres something youre not saying"

"i told you everything"

"the thing is im not stupid"

"never said you were"

"fine" she says giving up "youre clothes are in eiji's room. ill let you leave, but youll leave with bakugo, im not letting you go back on your own"

"oh for fucks sake"

"want to stay here or leave?"

"fuck, fine fine ill leave with bakugo and you guys will forget this ever happened"


"great doing business with you ma'am"


shoto makes his way to kirishima's room, a sigh hung from his mouth as he thought of a plan to get out of the misery he was put in. frustration and anger thinking that all this could have been avoided.

"stupid kiss" he mumbles knocking on kirishima's door. as he opens it he reveals bakugo leaning on the desk making out with kirishima and he quickly averts his gaze groaning in frustration. "god dammit"

"oh sorry i didnt hear you" kirishima rubs his neck in embarassment.

"this could have been your mom, are you guys done"


"for your information pompoms, i did"


"I think i get to do that, i lost count of the petnames you gave me blondie"


"Oi oi oi stop guys come on, kat just calm down and todoroki come in and sit, we can be decent with each other right?"

"yeah sure"





"GUYS ALL OF YOU SHUT UP" the redhead yells whole heartedly, patience evaporating like ticking clock being replaced by itter frustration "CAN YOU BOTH JUST CALM DOWN AND ACT LIKE NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS FOR ONE SECOND"

"yeah yeah, excuse us"

"fuck off icyhot" 

"well too bad i cant"

"see? development, you guys arent yelling anymore"

"oh by the way" shoto starts "kirishima's mom wants you to get me back to my house"


"here we go again" he plopps down on his bed placing his hands on his face and lets shoto and katsuki fight over and over again about everything and anything to the point where things didnt make sense.

it was going to be a long day....

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